Setting Up Licensing
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Setting Up Licensing

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Article summary

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable licensing for your account.

After you've enabled licensing for your account, there are several steps you'll need to complete to set up licensing:

  1. Add the licensing agencies.
  2. Add the areas and regions where the agency operates.
  3. Add the categories that will be used to track the continuing education units (CEUs).
  4. Add the license types you would like to track.
  5. Add point trackers and associate them to an agency and area.
  6. Associate users with the agency, area, and license type
  7. Associate the point trackers with courses and specify the appropriate category and CEU points that learners will earn for completing the course.
  8. Create a learning plan certification and associate it with the appropriate agency, area, and license type.

When a user who has a license entry for an agency completes a certification for that agency and license, then the total number of CEU points across the categories associated with all the courses completed will be totaled and be available to generate on the certification’s certificate.

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