Learner Interface: Course Details, Course Evaluation
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Learner Interface: Course Details, Course Evaluation

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Article summary

When a course has its Enable Post-Course Evaluations setting enabled, you'll be able to access the evaluation from the Course Details page. Depending on how the course evaluation is configured, you'll access the evaluation either from the Post Course Evaluation tab, or from the course evaluation section of the course details page.

Post Course Evaluation Tab

If the course's Evaluation Type setting is Internal, a Post Course Evaluation tab displays on the course details page. For online and SCORM courses, the Post Course Evaluation tab will be accessible when you complete the course. For instructor-led courses, the tab will be accessible after the course's last session. 

Select the Post Course Evaluation tab to submit the evaluation.

Course Details - Post Course Eval Tab in BG 20221014

Internal course evaluations MUST be submitted in order to complete the course. 

The message on the course details page reflects whether you've submitted the post-course evaluation.

Course Details Post Course Eval Submitted 20221019

You can view your responses to the post-course evaluation by selecting the Post Course Evaluation tab. You will not be able to change your responses. 

Post Course Evaluation Tab with Submitted Message 20221019

Course Evaluation Section

The course evaluation section displays on the course details page if all of the following are true:

You've completed the course. 


The course's Evaluation Type setting is External.


The course's Evaluation Location setting is Course Details Screen

Click the Evaluation button to provide feedback on the course.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

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