Learner Interface: Taking a Video Proctored Quiz
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Learner Interface: Taking a Video Proctored Quiz

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Article summary

Video-proctored quizzes use an online service to ensure that the learner taking a quiz matches the identity of the ID provided and that learners follow the rules. To do this, the service will require access to your computer's microphone and camera so that it can take a photo of you and your government-issued ID. 

After taking a video proctored quiz, you may see a "Proctoring Service Processing" message on the Quiz Completion page. This message indicates that the proctoring service is analyzing your session to determine whether you followed the rules for taking the quiz.

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If you fail to meet any of the video proctoring service's rules, your quiz attempt will receive an Invalid proctoring status. 

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

If your last attempt to pass any of the course's quizzes have an Invalid proctoring status, you will fail the course regardless of your quiz grade(s). In the example below, the learner earned a 100% grade, but failed the course.

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Taking a Video-Proctored Quiz


  • Be sure that your computer's microphone and camera are working. 
  • Be sure you have a government-issued ID.

To take a video-proctored quiz:

  1. The service will prompt you to allow access to your computer's microphone and camera. In order to take the quiz, you will need to allow this.
  2. Review the privacy policy and check the I Have Reviewed the Privacy Policy checkbox. 
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen so that the video proctoring service can take your photo.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen so that the video proctoring service can take a photo of your government-issued ID. 

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  1. Take the quiz.

After completing the quiz, it may take some time for the proctoring service to process your session. After your session is processed, the Quiz Completion page's Proctoring Status will indicate whether your proctoring session was considered valid.

If the proctoring fails, the video proctoring service will send a notification to the email address specified for your user profile. Depending on the error, the email may provide you another opportunity to pass proctoring. 

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