Scheduled Reporting Dashboard
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Scheduled Reporting Dashboard

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Article summary

The Scheduled Reporting Dashboard enables you to view all reports that you have scheduled to automatically run.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Administrators will be able to view all scheduled reports in the account. Non-administrators will only see the scheduled reports they created.

Who Has Access

The following users have access to the Scheduled Reports Dashboard:

Viewing the Scheduled Reporting Dashboard

To view the Scheduled Reporting Dashboard:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Scheduled Reporting.

Graphical user interface, application, Word  Description automatically generated

By default the Scheduled Reports (by name) list option is selected.

The right pane of the Scheduled Reporting Dashboard displays the scheduled reports that you have added in a grid.

Columns in the Grid

The columns in the grid are described below.




The name of the scheduled report.


Indicates whether the report is scheduled to run:

  • Active - the report will run at the specified frequency
  • Expired - the report's end date has passed
  • Inactive - the report will not run at the specified frequency


Indicates whether the report will run daily, weekly, or monthly.


The time that the report is scheduled to begin processing. Note, that the time is not necessarily when the recipients will receive the report. 


The day(s) when the report is scheduled to run.

  • N/A - indicates that the report is scheduled to run daily.
  • If the report is scheduled to run weekly, the day(s) of the week the report is set to run.
  • If the report is scheduled to run monthly, "First Day", "Last Day" or "Day: nn" displays depending on the selected option. 

Last Run Date

The last date and time that the report was run.

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