Tag: Pre-Defined Values
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Tag: Pre-Defined Values

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Article summary

Values provide a way to further identify objects that are associated with a tag. For example, the products tag might have values such as footwear, handbags, and scarves. The machinery tag might have values such as conveyor belt and forklift.

You can set up values ahead of time so users can select the ones that apply when they assign a tag to an object. These are referred to as pre-defined values. You can also control whether users are allowed to add new values with the tag's Allow Users to Add Their Own Values setting

These tag settings are located in the Pre-Defined Values accordion of the Add/Edit Tag workscreen. The Add/Edit Tag workscreen displays when you add or edit a tag.

Adding a Pre-Defined Value

To add pre-defined values to a tag:

  1. From the Add/Edit Tag workscreen, expand the Pre-Defined Values accordion.
  2. Enter the values in the field. You may either press ENTER after each value, or separate each value with a comma then press ENTER when you are finished.
  3. Click Save.

Removing a Pre-Defined Value

Removing a pre-defined value only removes the value from the list of available values that's displayed when objects are associated with a tag. Removing a pre-defined value does not remove the value from objects to which it was previously assigned.

To remove a pre-defined value from a tag:

  1. From the Add/Edit Tag workscreen, expand the Pre-Defined Values accordion.
  2. Click the X beside the pre-defined value that you would like to remove.
  3. Click Save.

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