Reports: Date Filters
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Reports: Date Filters

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Article summary

Several reports include filters on different date fields (e.g., Completed Date, Due Date, Session Date, etc...). SmarterU includes several filter options for dates fields that will dynamically run the report using the appropriate dates. These filter options eliminate having to manually enter the date range based on the current date. For example, running the Enrollment Report with a filter that includes enrollments with a Completed Date equal to Last Week will automatically include enrollments from last week based on the current date. 

The available filter options for date fields include:

  • Today - Includes today's date.

  • Yesterday - Includes yesterday's date.

  • Last X Days - Includes the specified number of prior days up to today. For example, if you run the report on June 6, 2024 and filter the enrollment date to include the last 5 days, the report would include enrollments that occurred from June 1, 2024 through June 6, 2024. The maximum allowed number of days is 366.

  • Week-to-Date - Includes Monday's date through today. For example, if you run the report on a Wednesday, the report would include Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 

  • Last Week - Includes dates one week prior to today through today. Note that the week starts on Monday.

  • Month-to-Date - Includes the 1st of the current month through today. For example, if you run the report on February 15, 2024, the report would include February 1, 2024 through February 15, 2024. 

  • Last Month - Includes dates in the previous month. For example, if you run the report on March 4, 2024, the report would include February 1-29, 2024. 

  • Year-to-Date - Includes January 1st of the current year through the current date. For example, if you run the report on May 15, 2024, the report would include January 1, 2024 through May 15, 2024.

  • Date Range - Includes the date range that you specify. The difference between the two dates must be no more than one year apart. If you specify a start date without an end date, the results will include records up to a year after the specified start date. If you specify an end date without a start date, the results will include records up to a year before the specified end date.

  • Using an option other than Date Range uses a date that is relative to when the report is run. For example, suppose your report has a filter on Completed Dates equal to Today. If you schedule the report to run on the 1st of the month, the report will include those courses that have a completed date equal to the date the report is run (i.e., February 1, 2024; March 1, 2024; etc...).

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