API: listCredentialCounts
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API: listCredentialCounts

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Article summary


The listCredentialCounts method retrieves the count of users who are assigned the action, and the count of users who are assigned the action by status.

Who Has Access

The following users have access to the listCredentialCounts method:

API Call XML Package

                     - OR -

Credential Tag Group

The Credential tag group is a container for the action filters. 

               - OR -

The Credential tag includes the following.


A container for the action filters. Refer to Filters Tag Group.

Filters Tag Group

The Filters tag group is a container for the action filters.

            - OR -

The Filters tag contains the following.


A container for the actions to include. Each action is contained in a CredentialIdentifier tag and contains the following. 

NameThe action's name. This tag is mutually exclusive with the ID tag. This is the ID returned by the listCredentials method.
IDThe action's system-generated identifier. This tag is mutually exclusive with the Name tag.

API Response XML Package

The API response XML package will always include a Result, Info, and Errors tag.



The Credentials tag is a container for the actions returned by the listCredentialCounts method. Each action is contained in a Credential tag and may contain the following.


The action's name.


The action's system-generated identifier.


A container for the action's counts. The tag contains the following.

LearnersThe number of users who are assigned the action.
AcceptedThe number of users who are assigned the action and have had the action confirmed
ReviewThe number users assigned the action who are awaiting activity from another user.
PendingThe number of users assigned the action that require activity from the user.

Example API Response XML Package

Below is an example of an API response XML package.

            <Name><![CDATA[Driver's license]]></Name>


Error Codes

Error CodeMessage
LCC:01The filters provided is invalid.
LCC:02The credentials provided is invalid.
LCC:03The name provided is invalid.
LCC:04The ID provided is invalid.
LCC:05The required permissions are not met to call the listCredentialsCounts method.

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