Group Permission: Group Manager (GM)
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Group Permission: Group Manager (GM)

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Article summary

The functions available to users with the Group Manager (GM) group permission are detailed below. 

User Admin

Users Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Users Dashboard:

Manual Enrollment Workscreen

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Manual Enrollment workscreen:

Instructor-Led Training Historical Entry Workscreen

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Instructor-Led Training Historical Entry workscreen:

Recommended Enrollments Workscreen

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Recommended Enrollments workscreen:

Webinar Registrations Workscreen

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Webinar Registrations workscreen:

Supervisor Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Supervisor Dashboard:

  • View data in the Learner Engagement, Account Summary, Monthly Enrollments sections of the Supervisor Dashboard for the group's users. If the account's Home Group Reporting setting is enabled, the Supervisor Dashboard will also include enrollments for users whose home group is the one where the GM group permission is granted, regardless of what group the enrollments occurred under.

Certifications Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Certifications Dashboard:

Report Admin

Default Enrollment Report Workscreen

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Default Enrollment Report workscreen:

  • Run the default Enrollment Report. The Enrollment Report will include enrollments that occurred in the group. If the account's Home Group Reporting setting is enabled, the report will also include enrollments for users whose home group is the one where the GM group permission is granted, regardless of what group the enrollments occurred under.
  • Filter the default Enrollment Report for learners in the group. 

Default Learning Plan Report Workscreen

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the default Learning Plan Report workscreen:

Proctor Report Workscreen

Users with the GM group permission can run the Proctor Report for group's courses. 

Reports Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Reports Dashboard:

Scheduled Reporting Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Scheduled Reporting Dashboard:

Course Admin

Courses Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Courses Dashboard:

When users with the GM or CC permission add a course, they are automatically added as a course manager. If they remove themselves as a course manager, they will not be able to add content to an online course, or edit the course's settings after saving the new course.

Course Builder Dashboard

The GM group permission does NOT grant users access to the Course Builder Dashboard. However, users with the GM group permission are included in the list of potential graders for an online course's quiz. Users with the GM permission will be able to access the Course Builder Dashboard for online courses they've added since they're automatically a course manager for the course.

Session Information Workscreen

The GM group permission does NOT grant users access to the Session Information workscreen. However, users with the GM group permission are included in the list of potential internal instructors for a session. Users with the GM permission will be able to access the Session Information workscreen for instructor-led courses they've added since they're automatically a course manager for the course. 

Quiz Grading Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Quiz Grading Dashboard:

  • Grade quizzes for enrollments that occurred in the group where the GM group permission was granted.

ILT Attendance Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the ILT Attendance Dashboard:

ILT Waiting Lists Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the ILT Waiting Lists Dashboard:

Account Admin

Groups Dashboard

Users with the GM group permission can do the following from the Groups Dashboard:

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