Course Builder Dashboard
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Course Builder Dashboard

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Article summary

The Course Builder Dashboard enables you to view and edit the chapters and tasks in your online course. 

Check out our blog post to learn how you can create accessible content using the SmarterU Course Builder.

Who Has Access

The following users have access to the Course Builder Dashboard:

Viewing the Course Builder Dashboard

To view the Course Builder Dashboard:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Course Admin.
  2. Select Courses. The Courses Dashboard displays.
  3. Click the course name you would like to edit. A tab labeled with the selected course's name displays in the right pane.
  4. Expand the Edit list.
  5. Select Edit Content.

A new tab displays the Course Builder Dashboard which contains all the content for the course.  

By default, the Tasks (by Chapter) list option is selected to display the chapters and tasks within each chapter.

The right pane displays the Dashboard tab, indicated by the Dashboard icon in the tab. The Dashboard tab displays a summary of your course's content at the top.

Summaries 20210827

The summary includes:

  • Total number of active chapters in the course
  • Total number of active content slides in the course
  • Total number of active PDFs in the course
  • Total number of active videos in the course
  • Total number of active activities in the course
  • Total number of active cards in the course
  • Total number of active quizzes in the course
  • Total number of active questions in the course
  • Total number of active tasks in the course

The right pane also displays all of the course's active tasks in a grid. You can filter the grid by clicking on any of the summary numbers to display the specific type in the grid. 

Columns in the Grid

The columns of the Course Builder Dashboard's grid are described below.

ChapterThe chapter that contains the task.
TaskThe task's name.
TypeThe task type.
SubtypeIf the task's type is Activity, the type of activity. For all other task types, "N/A" displays.
StatusThe task's status (i.e., Active, Inactive).

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