Searching Quiz Questions
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Searching Quiz Questions

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Article summary

To search the quiz questions in your course:

  1. From the Course Builder Dashboard, click the Active Questions summary link. 

Active Questions

The grid displays all active quiz questions in the course.

  1. Click the  in the Question column header. A menu displays.
  2. From the menu, select Filter.


  1. Ensure the condition defaults to Contains.
  2. In the field below the condition, enter the text you want to find in the questions. 

Filter Question

  1. If you specify more than one filter, be sure to select whether you want to use AND or OR to evaluate the filters. 
  2. Click Filter. The filter is applied to the column and the questions that contain the specified text are listed.

Removing a Filter on Quiz Questions

To remove the filter you applied to the Question column:

  1. Click the  in the Question column header. A menu displays.
  2. From the menu, select Filter.
  3. Click Clear.

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