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Article summary

Tasks are the individual pieces of work in an online course that learners much complete. The grid below describes the various task types that are available. 

Task TypeIconDescription
ActivityActivities are tasks that actively engage learners. 
Content SlideContent slides may contain text, audio, images, embedded media, and all other components available in an HTML page. Each content slide has a WYSIWYG editor that contains a number of options. If you're comfortable with HTML, you may also edit the HTML code directly.

PDF tasks enable you to upload a PDF to the course. Learners will be able to view the PDF during the course. 

QuizA quiz task enables you to assess the learners' knowledge by providing them with a set of questions that they will have to answer within the specified amount of time. Question types include multiple choice, long answer, and short answer. 

A video task enables you to add a video that learners taking the course can view. 

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