Editing a User Manually
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Editing a User Manually

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Article summary

Who Has Access

The following users can edit a user from the Users Dashboard:

If a user exists in multiple accounts (including the SmarterU Academy), you will not be able to edit the following settings by default unless you are an administrator in all the accounts that the user belongs to:

  • Primary Email
  • Password
  • Given Name
  • Surname

Editing a User

To edit a user:

  1. From the Admin menu, select User Admin
  2. Select Users. The Users Dashboard displays.
  3. View the user's details.
  4. Click Edit.

Edit User

The User Profile workscreen displays for the user.

  1. Edit the user's settings as needed. Information about the various accordions can be found on the pages below:
  1. Click Save.
If the user is logged in at the same time that you edit their permissions, they will not see the change until the next time that they log in.

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