Account: Settings
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Account: Settings

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Article summary

When you edit your account's settings, the Settings accordion of the Account Profile workscreen includes the following settings.

Account Profile - Settings 20220907


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.

Default Timezone

Defaults to US/Central. The default timezone for all newly created users. 

We recommend selecting one of the timezones above the horizontal line.
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Default Language

The default language used for newly created users.

Inactivity Threshold

The number of minutes before a user is logged out of their SmarterU session due to inactivity.

Enable Home Group Reporting

If checked, users with reporting permissions will be able to view course enrollments as long as they have permission on a learner's home group. In addition to course enrollments within the home group, reports will also include course enrollments that took place outside of the home group when this setting is selected. 

If the setting is not checked, users with reporting permissions will only see course enrollments with the group that they have permissions on.

Refer to Home Group Reporting for more details.

Points & Rewards

Check if you want to enable the Points and Rewards functionality.

Enable Home Group Branding

If checked, you'll be able to:

Enable Group Course Credits

If checked, enrollments may require the availability of credits.


If checked, it enables the sale of courses (through subscription variants) from an external storefront

You can also sell learning plans from an external storefront. For details, contact our Success Desk

Enable Licensing

This feature is not included with all accounts. Please contact our Success Desk if you would like to add this feature to your account.

If checked, the licensing features are enabled for the account.

Training Cost Tracking

This feature is not included with all accounts. Please contact our Success Desk if you would like to add this feature to your account.

If checked, the training cost tracking features are enabled for the account.  

Enable Discussions

The Discussions feature enables learners to have an online forum for courses.  

If checked, the discussions feature is enabled for the account. 

Enable Text-to-Speech

This setting is checked by default. If checked, it enables online courses to use automated narration.

Display Language Selector in Header

If checked, the Language list that enables users to change their language displays in the header.

Default Display Past Sessions on Calendar

Newly created instructor-led courses will inherit this as the course's Display Past Sessions on Calendar setting. If checked, sessions prior to today's date are displayed in the learner interface regardless of whether the learner is already enrolled in one of the sessions. The setting may be overridden at the course level

Default Display All Available Sessions on Calendar

Newly created instructor-led courses will inherit this as the course's Display All Available Sessions on Calendar setting. If checked, all available instructor-led course sessions are displayed in the learner interface's calendar regardless of whether the learner is already enrolled in one of the sessions. This setting may be overridden at the course level.

Restrict Grant/Revoke Access for Group Permissions

This setting allows users who have permission to create or edit users to grant the same group permissions that they have to other users. For example if a user has the Manage Users and View Learner Results permissions, the user will only be able to grant those same permissions to other users. Administrators and group managers will still be able to grant all permissions to other users. 

Email Verification

If checked, users who log in with their email address will be required to verify their email address the next time they log into SmarterU. 

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If the user clicks Change Email Address, they will be able to enter the email address they wish to use.

Users who log in with their employee ID will have the option to provide their email address or skip the email verification until their next log in.

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Enable Slim Admin Dashboard

If checked, the Admin Dashboard and Supervisor Dashboard will NOT include summaries. This setting was added to improve the load speed of these dashboards by reducing the processing needed to calculate the totals. The grid below summarizes what isn't included in the the Admin and Supervisor Dashboards. 

Not Included When Checked

Admin Dashboard

Account Summary

Quick Links

User Summary

Supervisor Dashboard

Account Summary

User Summary

Insert QR Code into Completion Certificates

If checked, a QR code will be added to course and certification completion certificates. 

QR Codes on Certificates 20220907(1)

Scanning the QR code displays a web page with the certificate's information. For certifications that expire, this includes the certification's expiration date. This allows anyone - including those not in your account - to validate the certificate. 

QR Code Course and Certification Info 20231013

Scanning a QR Code
To scan a QR code using your mobile device:
  1. Open your mobile device's camera.
  2. Focus the camera on the QR code. A URL displays.

Scanning QR Code 20220921

  1. Tap the URL. The web page with the certificate's information displays. 

Default Landing Page for GM Users

The default page that displays when a user with the GM group permission logs in. If any of the the user's permissions are set to display the Supervisor Dashboard, it will be displayed instead of the learner interface. 

Default Landing Page for VLR Users

The default page that displays when a user with the VLR group permission logs in. If any of the the user's permissions are set to display the Supervisor Dashboard, it will be displayed instead of the learner interface. 

Default Landing Page for Supervisors

This setting is only applicable if at least one of the Supervisor Access options are checked. The default page that displays when a supervisor logs in. If any of the the user's permissions are set to display the Supervisor Dashboard, it will be displayed instead of the learner interface. 

Default Landing Page for Course Managers

This setting is only applicable if at least one of the Course Manager Access options are checked. The default page that displays when a course manager logs in. If any of the the user's permissions are set to display the Supervisor Dashboard, it will be displayed instead of the learner interface. 

My Profile Settings

This setting controls if the Profile link is visible and what it allows users to do.

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Select one of the following options:

  • Not Displayed - The Profile link will not be visible to users.
  • View Only - The Profile link is visible to users, but they will only be able to view their login and contact information. 
  • View & Edit - The Profile link is visible to users and they will be able to view and edit their login and contact information.

Allow Feedback Default

The default Allow Feedback setting for newly created users

  • Yes - Select to enable the Allow Feedback user setting by default.
  • No - Select to disable the Allow Feedback user setting by default.

Launching SCORM Courses on Non-Supported Browsers

This setting controls whether learners are able to launch a SCORM course on non-supported browsers. Select one of the following:

  • Prevent Access - Learners who attempt to launch a SCORM course from a non-supported browser will not be able to launch the course
  • Warn - Learners who attempt to launch a SCORM course from a non-supported browser will see a warning message, but will be allowed to launch the course.

Supervisor Access

Select the access options you would like to grant supervisors:

This setting also affects the enrollment summary numbers and certification summary numbers.
  • Enroll Supervisees - If checked, supervisors who don't have the GM or MGU permission will be able to enroll learners they supervise in courses or subscriptions. 
  • View Supervisees - If checked, supervisors will be able to view the user details for users they supervise.
  • Edit Supervisees - If checked, supervisors will be able to edit the user details for users they supervise. 

Course Manager Access

Select the access options you would like to grant course managers:

Enable User Help

If checked, a link displays in the header of the learner interface that will enable users to request help. 

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Default User Help Email

This setting is only available when the Enable User Help setting is enabled. 

Enter the email addresses to which help requests will be sent. Separate each email address with a comma. 

If no email address is specified, the help requests will be sent to all administrators. 

If an administrator requests help, their request will be sent to our Success Desk.

Default User Help Text

This setting is only available when the Enable User Help setting is enabled. 

Enter the text to display for the help link in the learner interface's header. 

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Be sure to enter the help text in your learners' preferred language. The text that you enter will appear the same to all learners, regardless of their selected language

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