Email Template Variables
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Email Template Variables

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Article summary

Email template variables are built-in identifiers that when used in an email template or snippet are replaced with their actual value. For example, the variable will be replaced with the actual course name (e.g., Accounting 101) and the user.fullname variable will be replaced with the user's full name (e.g., Gary Carter). 

The variables are organized into the following categories:

Account Variables


The account's theme for the admin interface.


The default theme selected for the user's dashboard set.


The account's logo.

 The account's name.


The "From" email address for system-generated emails


The "From" identity for system-generated emails.


The unsubscribe contact. For user-generated or system-generated emails, this displays the "From" address and identify for system- and user-generated emails


The "From" email address for user-generated emails.


The "From" identity for user-generated emails.

Certification Variables


The certification's description

The certification's name.

Course Variables


The course chapter's name


The course's identifier.


The course's description.

The course's name.


If points and rewards are enabled for your account, information about point trackers associated with the course. The information includes the point tracker's name, points earned, expiration type, and expiration date. If licensing is enabled for the account, the licensing category and licensing reference ID are also included.


The online course's quiz or task name.


Links to add the session's information to an Outlook, Google, or iCal calendar.

The session's information is only included if the learner has completed all of the course's prerequisites. If the learner has not completed all of the prerequisites, the following displays: 

[Not Available]


The course session's end date. If a session has multiple parts, this variable returns the end date of the first part.

The session's information is only included if the learner has completed all of the course's prerequisites. If the learner has not completed all of the prerequisites, the following displays: 

[Not Available]


The course session's end time. If a session has multiple parts, this variable returns the end time of the first part.

The session's information is only included if the learner has completed all of the course's prerequisites. If the learner has not completed all of the prerequisites, the following displays: 

[Not Available]


Information about a course's session. This includes the session's start date, end date, and location, plus a link to add the session's information to an Outlook, Google, or iCal calendar. 

The session's information is only included if the learner has completed all of the course's prerequisites. If the learner has not completed all of the prerequisites, the following displays: 

Session information will be available once all prerequisites are completed.


A link to the session's information on the learner interface.


The course session's venue. If a session has multiple parts, this variable returns the information of the first part. The information returned will depend on the session's type:

The session's information is only included if the learner has completed all of the course's prerequisites. If the learner has not completed all of the prerequisites, the following displays: 

[Not Available]


The course session's start date. If a session has multiple parts, this variable returns the start date of the first part.

The session's information is only included if the learner has completed all of the course's prerequisites. If the learner has not completed all of the prerequisites, the following displays: 

[Not Available]


The course session's start time. If a session has multiple parts, this variable returns the start time of the first part.

The session's information is only included if the learner has completed all of the course's prerequisites. If the learner has not completed all of the prerequisites, the following displays: 

[Not Available]

Email Variables


The description of the All Graded Quizzes Must Pass online course setting. This variable is only available for the Course Completion to Home Group or Custom Contact email type.

The description will only display in the email if the All Graded Quizzes Must Pass online course setting is checked. 


The changes made to a user's login credentials (i.e., email, employee ID, name, and password). This variable is only available for the Login Credentials Changed email type.


The name of a chapter in a course. This variable is only available for the Task Feedback email type.


The link that allows a learner to confirm their session attendance. This variable is only available for the Confirm Attendance email type.


A table of the learner's course enrollments that includes their progress, course due date, and number of days before the course due date. This variable is only available for the Weekly Reminder to Learner email type.


The list of courses that the learner was enrolled in. This variable is only used when a learner receives an email about multiple course enrollments. This variable is only available for the Course Enrollment email type.


The name of the person who modified the user’s login credentials. This variable is only available for the Login Credentials Changed email type. 


Text indicating whether a user was added as an instructor to, or removed as an instructor from a session. This variable is only available for the Session Instructor Notification email type. 


The email address of the person who performed the enrollment. This variable is only available for the Course Enrollment email type.


The full name of the person who performed the enrollment. This variable is only available for the Course Enrollment email type.


The link to the course’s evaluation survey. This variable is only available for the Course Completion email type.


The number of groups included in the Weekly Summary Report. This variable is only available for the Weekly Summary Report email type. 


This variable is only available for the Weekly Summary Report email type. Text explaining what metrics are included in the report. The text included with this variable will depend on the following account settings.

  • Enable Home Group Reporting checked - Home group reporting is on, meaning that these metrics include all of your learners’ enrollments, regardless of the group they are in.
  • Course Manager Access setting's Report on Enrollments option checked- Course manager reporting is on, meaning that these metrics include all enrollments for courses you manage.
  • Supervisor Access setting's Report on Supervisees option checked - Supervisor reporting is on, meaning that these metrics include all enrollments for learners you supervise.


The email address of the person who sent the account invitation. This variable is only available for the Account Invitation email type.


The full name of the person who sent the account invitation. This variable is only available for the Account Invitation email type.


The type of feedback (i.e., suggestion, feedback, bug). This variable is only available for the Task Feedback email type.


The details of a learner's completed quiz attempt (i.e., time limit, number of questions, percent to pass, max attempts, and number of correct questions per attempt). This variable is only available for the Task Completion email type.


A quiz's question. This variable is only available for the Task Feedback email type.


Tables that summarize last week's enrollments, the status of all enrollments, and status of learning plans and certifications for the group(s) included in the Weekly Summary Report. This variable is only available for the Weekly Summary Report email type.


Displays whether a learner passed or failed a course. Unlike the enrollment.passfail variable, this variable displays a sentence. For example, "John Smith has just completed and passed the Team Management course within the Fina Shoes Academy (Demo) account."

This variable is only available for the Course Completion to Home Group or Custom Contact email type.


The link to the learner's completed quiz attempt details. This variable is only available for the Quiz Graded email type.


The email address of the user sending the email.


The profile image of the user sending the email


The full name of the user sending the email. 


Displays whether a learner completed a course. This variable is only available for the Course Completion to Home Group or Custom Contact email type.


The link to a troubleshooting guide for webinar registration failures. This variable is only available for the Webinar Registration Failure Notification email type.


The number of webinar registration failures. This variable is only available for the Webinar Registration Failure Notification email type.

Enrollment Variables


The date the learner completed the course. This variable is only available for the following email types:  


The course's due date.


The total amount of time the learner was in the course.


The learner's grade for the course.

The name of the group in which the enrollment occurred.


The ID of the group in which the enrollment occurred.


The logo of the group in which the enrollment occurred.


A list of the learner's course enrollments. This variable is only available for the Course Enrollment Notification to Supervisor email type. 


A list of the learner's subscription enrollments. This variable is only available for the Subscription Enrollment Notification to Supervisor email type.


Displays Passed or Failed depending on whether the learner passed or failed the course.


If points and rewards are enabled for your account, the total number of points that the learner earned for the course enrollment. If multiple point trackers are associated with the course, this number includes points for all point trackers.


The learner's course enrollment status.


The date the learner started the course.


The subscription information associated with the course enrollment. This information includes the subscription name, variant name, start date, end date, and expiration.


The course type (i.e., online, SCORM, instructor-led).

Group Variables


The group's identifier.

The group's name.

Learning Plan Variables


The learning plan and the certifications, requirements, courses, and actions assigned to it. For example:

Learning Plan 01

  • Certification 01
    • Requirement 01
      • Course 01
      • Action 01
  • Certification 02
    • Requirement 02
      • Course 02
      • Action 02

The learning plan's name.


The learning plan and the certifications assigned to it. For example:

Learning Plan 01

  • Certification 01
  • Certification 02


The learning plan and the certifications, and requirements assigned to it. For example:

Learning Plan 01

  • Certification 01
    • Requirement 01
  • Certification 02
    • Requirement 02

Login Variables


The login portal URL.


The user's login password.

The password will only be sent out as plain text with the initial Account Invitation email. Resending the Account Invitation email to the user obscures the password (i.e., ***** displays). The user's password will also be obscured when this variable is included in other email templates.


The user's login (email or employee ID).

Miscellaneous Variables


The date a course enrollment, subscription enrollment, or user import was completed. This variable is only available for the following email types:


The current date and time.


The logo displayed in the header. The logo displayed will depend on the user's dashboard set.


The link to a course for a learner.


The custom message for the email. A custom message may be specified for the following email types:


The number of requested enrollments when enrolling learners to courses and subscriptions, or the number of requested imports when importing users. This variable is only available for the following email types:


The number of successful enrollments when enrolling learners to courses and subscriptions, or the number of successful imports when importing users. This variable is only available for the following email types:


The number of unsuccessful enrollments when enrolling learners to courses and subscriptions, or the number of unsuccessful imports when importing users. This variable is only available for the following email types:


The date a course enrollment, subscription enrollment, or import was requested. 


The requester's IP address for password recovery or login credential change requests.


The link for downloadable course certificates, certification certificates, Enrollment Reports, and user import reports. This variable is only available for the following email types:

When the misc.ziplocation variable is included in the Course Completion to Group Contact email, the course certificate will only be available for download for 72 hours. If the learner's dashboard set includes a page that displays completed courses, the learner can also download the course certificate from the course details page.

Snippet Variables


The user's contact card.


The default footer that's displayed at the bottom of all emails:

This message was sent to *||* because you are a user of *||*. *|snippet.footerunsubscribemessage|* Delivered by *|login.loginurl|*.


The default header that's displayed at the top of all emails.

If the account's Enable Home Group Branding setting is not selected, the account's logo displays. 

If the account's Enable Home Group Branding setting is selected, the group's logo displays. If the group does not have a logo, the account's logo displays.


The default message for how to unsubscribe from emails.

Subscription Variables


The subscription variant's duration.


The date the learner's subscription ends.


The date the learner's subscription begins.


The subscription's description.


The subscription's name.


The variant's name.

User Variables

The user's email address.


The user's employee ID.


The user's full name.


The user's given name.


The name of the user's home group.


The group ID of the user's home group.


The group logo of the user's home group.


The user's surname.

Video Variables


The video's filename.


The video's filename and location. 

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