Email Template Snippets
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Email Template Snippets

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Article summary

Snippets are a type of email template variable. Like other variables, snippets contain reusable content that can be included in an email template. What makes snippets different from variables is that you can add snippets and edit them as needed. Snippets make it possible for you to to update content once and have that content automatically update in any email templates that include the snippet. 

Snippets can contain any of SmarterU's email template variables. For example, suppose you wanted to add a snippet for how learners can find out about related courses. You want to personalize the content to include the learner's name, the name of the account, and a list of courses that you want to promote. 

Your snippet might look something like this:

As you add new courses, you can edit the snippet's text to include the courses that you want to promote. All email templates that contain the snippet will be updated to reflect the new courses.

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