User: Contact Information
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User: Contact Information

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Article summary

A user's contact information, including their primary phone number and address, displays in the Contact Information accordion of the User Profile page. The User Profile page displays when you add, edit, or view a user

Editing a User's Contact Information

To edit a user's contact information:

  1. Add or edit a user to display the User Profile workscreen. 
  2. Expand the Contact Information accordion.

  1. Edit the user's contact information settings.
  2. Click Save.


The contact information settings for a user are described below. 

Phone (primary)

The user's phone number.


The user's fax number.

Phone (alternate)

An alternate phone number for the user.


The URL for the user's website.

Phone (mobile)

The user's mobile number.

Send Physical Mail To

The address to which physical mail for the user should be sent.

  • Personal Address - Mail will be sent to the address specified for the user.
  • Organization Address - Mail will be sent to the address of the organization to which the user belongs.

Address Line 1

The first line of the user's street address.

Address Line 2

The second line of the user's street address.


Select the country of the user's address from the list. If the country is not listed, select Other from the list and enter the country name in the field.


Select the region of the user's address from the list. If the region is not listed, you may enter the region in the field.


The city of the user's address.

Postal/Zip Code

The postal code of the user's address.

Send Weekly Task Reminder

This setting is only applicable when the account's Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked. 

If checked, the automated weekly task email is sent to the user. To disable weekly learner notifications to this user, uncheck this setting.

Send Weekly Progress Summary

This setting is only applicable when the account's Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked. 

If checked, the automated weekly summary email is sent to the user. To disable weekly supervisor notifications to this user, uncheck this setting. 

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