Group: Courses
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Group: Courses

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Article summary

The courses assigned to a group are displayed in the Courses accordion of the group details page. 

A grid displays the courses assigned to the group. The grid's columns are described below.




The name of the course assigned to the group.


The status of the course.


The course type (i.e., online, SCORM, or instructor-led).


Indicates whether group users can self-enroll in the course:

  •  - The group's users can self-enroll in the course.
  •  - The group's users cannot self-enroll in the course.


Indicates the course's enrollment automation setting for the group's users. 


Indicates whether the account's selected Course Enrollment email template is sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course:

  •  - The account's selected Course Enrollment email template is sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course.
  • N/A - The account's selected Course Enrollment email template is not sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course.

ILT Notification

Indicates whether the account's selected Confirm Attendance email template is sent to learners for an instructor-led course:

  •  - The account's selected Course Enrollment email template is sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course.
  • N/A - The account's selected Course Enrollment email template is not sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course.


Indicates whether users must purchase the course:

  •  - Users who self-enroll must pay for the course
  •  - Users who self-enroll don't have to pay for the course.

Override Default Price

Indicates whether the course's price is different from its default price:

  •  - The course's price is different from its default price.
  •  - The course's price is the same as its default price.

Price (Currency)

The price of the course. 


Indicates whether the group must have credits in order to enroll in the course:

  •  - Course enrollments require the group to have credits.
  •  - Course enrollments do not require the group to have credits.

# Credits

The number of credits the group has available for the course.

Learning Plan Lock

Indicates whether the Learning Plan Lock setting is checked for the group's course:

  •  - The Learning Plan Lock setting is checked.
  •  - The Learning Plan Lock setting is not checked.

Subscr. Lock

Indicates whether the Subscription Lock setting is checked for the group's subscription:

  •  - The Subscription Lock setting is checked.
  •  - The Subscription Lock setting is not checked.

Click to preview the course.

To assign courses to or remove courses from a group, display the Add/Edit Group workscreen. 

Adding Courses to a Group

When you add a course to a group, it enables the group's users to be enrolled in the course. 

To add a course to a group:

  1. From the Add/Edit Group workscreen, expand the Courses accordion. By default all active courses are displayed. 
  2. Click the beside the courses you would like to add to the group. To add all courses to the group, click Add All. The selected course rows are shaded. 
  1. Specify the settings for the selected courses. 
  2. Click Save.



Check to allow users in the group to self-enroll in the course. 


Select the auto-enroll option for the course. 

The auto-enroll options will vary depending on the course type.


Applicable Course Types


Do Not Auto Enroll




Group learners are not automatically re-enrolled in the course.




Enrolls group learners in the course as part of the group's recommended course enrollments calculation if they have no existing enrollment in the course. 

Until Pass



Re-enrolls group learners in the course if they've never previously passed the course.

Waiting List


Adds group learners to the course-level waiting list as part of the group's recommended course enrollments calculation if they've never been enrolled in the course. 

Waiting List (Until Pass)


Upon finalization of the course, this option adds group learners to the course-level waiting list if they've never previously passed the course.

First Available


Enrolls group learners in the first available session of the course with available seats as part of the group's recommended course enrollments calculation if they have no existing enrollment in the course.

First Available (Until Pass)


Upon finalization of the course, this option re-enrolls group learners in the first available session of the course that has available seats if they've never previously passed the course.


This setting is only available when the course's Automation setting is enabled.

If checked, the account's Course Enrollment email template is sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course.  If unchecked, no email is sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course. 

ILT Notification

This setting is only available when the course's Automation setting is enabled and the course is instructor-led.

If checked, the account's Confirm Attendance email template is sent to learners when they're enrolled in the course.  If unchecked, no email is sent to learners when they're automatically enrolled in the course. 


This setting is only available when the account's Enable PayPal setting and the course's Self setting are checked. 

If checked, users who self-enroll must pay for the course. After checking this setting, the default price for course displays in the Price column. If a default price is not specified for the course, the Override Default Price checkbox is automatically checked and you will need to specify the price of the course. 

  • The Purchase setting only affects group enrollments. It does not affect subscription or learning plan self-enrollments.
  • If the user belongs to any groups that do not require them to purchase the course they will be able to self-enroll in the course at no cost.

Override Default Price

This setting is only available when the course's Purchase checkbox is checked. 

If checked, you may enter a price that is different from the default price of the online, SCORM, or instructor-led course.


This setting is only available when the Purchase checkbox is checked.

By default, the default price for the online, SCORM, or instructor-led course displays. 


Check if you want to require the group to have credits to enroll in the course.

Learning Plan Lock

When Learning Plan Lock is checked:

  • Courses that were added as a result of assigning a learning plan to the group cannot be removed.
  • The group's users can only be enrolled in the learning plan's courses as part of the learning plan. If Learning Plan Lock is checked for a course, you will not be able to manually enroll group users into the course if it is part of the learning plan; the enrollment can only occur by assigning the learning plan to users. 

Subscr. Lock

If the course was added as a result of adding a subscription to the group, the setting is checked by default for the courses that are included in the subscription after you save the new group. When the Subscr. Lock is checked: 

  • The course's Self, Auto, and Credits settings may not be changed from what is specified with the variant.
  • The course cannot be removed from the group.
  • Users must have an active subscription in order to enroll in any of the subscription's courses.

If the course was added manually as detailed above, the setting will unchecked by default.

Previewing a Course

To preview an online or SCORM course:

  1. From the Add/Edit Group workscreen, expand the Courses accordion. 
  2. Click the  in the last column.

Removing Courses from a Group

You cannot remove a course from a group if:

To remove a course from a group:

  1. From the Add/Edit Group workscreen, expand the Courses accordion. 
  2. Click the beside the course you would like to remove from the group. To remove all courses from the group, click Remove All.
  3. Click Save.

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