Account: Email Template Options
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Account: Email Template Options

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Article summary

SmarterU enables you to specify the default email template that is used for system-generated emails.

When you edit your account's settings, the Email Template Options accordion of the Account Profile workscreen includes accordions for the email types.

Account Profile - Email Template Options 20230426

The email templates are organized within accordions by email type:

Changing a Default Email Template

Before you can change the default email template, you will need to add an email template for the email type

To change the default email template:

  1. Edit the account to display the Account Profile workscreen.
  2. Expand the Email Template Options accordion.
  3. Expand the accordion containing the email type you would like to change.
  4. Select the email template from the list. 

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated

After selecting a template, you can preview by clicking .

  1. Click Save.
You can also change the default email templates from the Email Management Dashboard.

Account Email Types

Account Invitation

This email is sent to a user after their SmarterU account is created and the Send Account Invitation Email setting on the User Profile workscreen is checked.

Action Email Types

Action Confirmation Notification

This email is sent to the users who can confirm an action whenever an action needs to be confirmed.

Certification Email Types

Certification Completion to Custom Contact

This email is sent to the certification's custom contact(s) when a learner completes a certification and the certification's Send to Custom Contact setting is checked. 

Certification Completion to Home Group Contact

This email is sent to the specified group contact(s) when a learner completes a certification and the certification's Send to Home Group Contact setting is checked.

Certification Completion to Learner

This email is sent to a learner when he/she completes the certification and the certification's Send Certification Completion Notification and Send to Learner settings are checked.

Course Email Types

Course Completion

This email is sent to a learner when he/she completes a course.

Course Completion to Group Contact

This email is sent to the email addresses specified in the group's Send Completion Notifications To setting when:

  • A learner completes a course
  • And, the course's Send Course Completion Email setting is selected.

Course - Instructor-Led Email Types

Calendar Session Information

This email is sent learners after they confirm that they will be attending the session in which they were enrolled.

Confirm Attendance

This email is sent to learners when they are enrolled in a single-part, instructor-led course session by another user.

Confirm Attendance (Multiple Course)

This email is sent to learners when they are enrolled in multiple instructor-led courses by another user.

Confirm Attendance (Multi-Part Session)

This email is sent to learners when they are enrolled in a multi-part, instructor-led course by another user.

Finalize Session Reminder

This email is sent to the instructor(s) of an instructor-led course when:

Missed Attendance

This email is sent to learners enrolled in an instructor-led course session and marked as not attending the session when:

Removed from Waiting List

This email is sent to learners when they are removed from a course-level waiting list and the Send Waiting List Removal Email to Learner setting is selected. The reason for removal will be included if the Include Reason for Removal In Email setting is selected.

Requested Course Certificates

This email is sent to the specified email addresses when an instructor generates certificates for learners in the session via the ILT Attendance Dashboard.

Session Available

This email is sent to a user who is on the course-level waiting list when:

Session Cancellation

This email is sent to users enrolled in an instructor-led course session when:

The cancellation reason is included if the user cancelling the session selects the Include Cancellation Reason In Email setting.

Session Changed

This email is sent to the users specified in a session's notification options when the instructor-led course session's date or time is changed and the Send Email Notifications setting for the session is selected

Session Instructor Notification

This email is sent to all users who are added or removed as an instructor for an instructor-led session.

Session Reminder

This email is set to learners enrolled in an instructor-led course session and to the session's instructors the specified number of hours before the session begins when the course's Send Pre-Session Reminder setting is checked.

Waiting List Reminder

This email is sent to users who are on a course or session waiting list when the course or session's Enable Waiting List Reminder setting is checked. The email will be sent the specified period before the session starts.

Webinar Registration Failure Notification

This email is sent to a user if the webinar enrollments that they manually performed via the Enrollment Dashboard fail.

Course - Online and SCORM Email Types

Course Due Reminder

This email is sent to a learner when:

Course Due Reminder (Multiple Learners)

This email is sent to supervisors, selected users, and/or specified recipients of the course due reminder when:

If there are more than 100 unique enrollments in the email, the supervisors, selected users, and/or specified recipients will need to run the Enrollment Report to view the entire list of enrollments.

Course Due Reminder (Multiple)

This email is sent to a learner instead of the Course Due Reminder email when:

Course Past Due Reminder

This email is sent to a learner when:

Course Past Due Reminder (Multiple Learners)

This email is sent to supervisors, selected users, and/or specified recipients of the course past due reminder when:

If there are more than 100 unique enrollments in the email, the supervisors, selected users, and/or specified recipients will need to run the Enrollment Report to view the entire list of enrollments.

Course Past Due Reminder (Multiple)

This email is sent to a learner when:

Grader Reminder

This email is sent to potential graders when:

Group Manager Reminder

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to group managers when:

No Grader Reminder

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to group managers when:

Proctor Notification

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to users who have the Quiz Proctor group permission when:

Quiz Available for Grading

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to users who have been selected as graders for a quiz when:

Quiz Graded

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to a learner when:

SCORM Conversion Notification Success

This email is only applicable to SCORM courses. This email is sent to the user who uploaded a PowerPoint file to a SCORM course after SmarterU converts the PowerPoint file.

Task Completion to Custom Contact

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to the specified custom contacts when:

This setting is applicable to all task types for online courses.

Task Completion to Group Contact

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to the email addresses specified in the group's Send Completion Notifications To setting when:

This setting is applicable to all task types for online courses.

Task Feedback

This email is only applicable to online courses. This email is sent to the email addresses specified in an online course's Feedback Email field when a learner who has the Allow Feedback setting enabled provides feedback on a task. 

Enrollment Email Types

Course Enrollment

This email is sent to a user when they are enrolled in a single course, or when an automated group or automated learning plan enrollment occurs. 

Course Enrollment (Multiple)

This email is sent to a user when they are enrolled in multiple courses.

Course Enrollment Notification to Supervisor

This email is sent to a user who is the supervisor of multiple learners when the learners are enrolled in one or more courses and the learners' Send Emails To setting is set to Their Supervisor

Course Unenrollment Notification

This email is sent to a user when they unenroll from a course, or are unenrolled from the course by another user. The email will also be sent to the user's supervisor if the course's setting to CC the supervisor is enabled.

Enrollment Automation Report

This email is sent to the email addresses specified in the Send Enrollment Report To field when the automated enrollment process has completed. The email details the number of enrollments that were requested, successful, and unsuccessful.

Enrollment Process Complete

This email is sent to a user after the enrollments that they manually performed via the Enrollment Dashboard are processed by SmarterU.

Subscription Enrollment

This email is sent to a user when they are enrolled in a subscription and the Send Subscription Enrollment Email setting is checked by the person processing the enrollment.

Subscription Enrollment (Multiple)

This email is sent to a user when they are enrolled in multiple subscriptions and the Send Subscription Enrollment Email setting is checked by the person processing the enrollment.

Subscription Enrollment Notification to Supervisor

This email is sent to a user who is the supervisor of multiple learners when the learners are enrolled in a subscription and the learners' Send Emails To setting is set to Their Supervisor

Subscription Enrollment Process Complete

This email is sent to a user after the subscription enrollments that they manually performed via the Enrollment Dashboard are processed by SmarterU.

Form Email Types

Form Submission Notification

This email is sent to the specified email addresses when:

Learning Plan Email Types

Learning Plan Assignment

This email is sent to a user when they are automatically assigned a learning plan, or assigned a learning plan by another user.

Report Email Types

Queued Exports Notification

This email is sent to a user when they export a report or contents of the Users Dashboard to a CSV file.

User Email Types

Login Credentials Changed

This email is sent to a user when their email address, employee ID, or password is changed by another user in the Users Dashboard. If the user’s email address was changed, emails will only be sent to their new email address.

Password Recovery

This email is sent to the specified email address when a user clicks the Reset Password link on the login page.

User Import Completed

This email is sent to the email addresses specified in the Send Import Report To setting after the users in the file are imported. The email includes a link to the User Import Report which details the rows which were and were not imported into SmarterU.

Video Email Types

Video Processing Complete

This email is sent to the user who uploaded a video to the Content Delivery Network after the video has been processed.  

Weekly Email Types

Weekly Reminder to Learner

The Weekly Reminder email lists the courses that the user is enrolled in, their progress, the course due date, and number of days before the due date. The email is sent to any user who is enrolled in one or more courses when:

To prevent the weekly reminder email from being sent to a specific user, uncheck the Send Weekly Task Reminder setting on the User Profile workscreen.

Weekly Summary Report

The Weekly Summary Report email is generated if an account's Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked. This email is sent to:

To prevent the weekly summary report from being sent to a specific user, uncheck the Send Weekly Progress Summary setting on the User Profile workscreen. 

The email summarizes the following information for any groups to which the supervisor has reporting access:

  • Number of enrollments in the last week
  • Total number of enrollments by enrollment status
  • Enrollment status for the most active groups