System Email Templates: Video Emails
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System Email Templates: Video Emails

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Article summary

Video Processing Complete

Email Subject

Video Processing Complete


This email is sent to the user who uploaded a video to the Content Delivery Network after the video has been processed. The information and link included in the email will depend on whether the video was uploaded to an online course, knowledge base, or learner dashboard.

Video Uploaded ToInformation IncludedLinks To

Online course

  • Course
  • Chapter
  • Task 
  • Video's filename

Video task in the Course Builder Dashboard

Knowledge base file

  • Knowledge base
  • Parent folder 
  • Knowledge base file
  • Video's filename

Knowledge base file in the Knowledge Base Dashboard

Learner dashboard set

  • Dashboard set
  • Category
  • Page
  • Video's filename

Add/Edit Category Page workscreen in Learner Dashboard Builder



Changing the Template

Administrators and owners can change the default template for the account by doing one of the following:

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