System Email Templates: Weekly Emails
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System Email Templates: Weekly Emails

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Article summary

Weekly Reminder to Learner

Email Subject

Weekly Reminder - *|misc.currentdatetime|* for *||*

Example: Weekly Reminder - 18-Oct-2017 4:10 PM CDT for Fina Shoes Academy (Demo)


The Weekly Reminder email lists the courses that the user is enrolled in, their progress, the course due date, and number of days before the due date. The email is sent to any user who is enrolled in one or more courses when:

The account's Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked


The learner has logged in within the last 60 days
The learner has been enrolled in a course in the last 60 days

To prevent the weekly reminder email from being sent to a specific user, uncheck the Send Weekly Task Reminder setting on the User Profile workscreen.


Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Changing the Template

Administrators and owners can change the default template for the account by doing one of the following:

Weekly Summary Report

Email Subject

Weekly Summary Report - *|misc.currentdatetime|* for *||*

Example: Weekly Summary Report - 18-Oct-2017 4:12 PM CDT for Fina Shoes Academy (Demo)


The Weekly Summary Report email is generated if an account's Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked. This email is sent to:

To prevent the weekly summary report from being sent to a specific user, uncheck the Send Weekly Progress Summary setting on the User Profile workscreen.

The email summarizes the following information for any groups to which the supervisor has reporting access:

  • Number of enrollments in the last week
  • Total number of enrollments by enrollment status
  • Enrollment status for the most active groups


Uma imagem contendo Calendário  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Changing the Template

Administrators and owners can change the default template for the account by doing one of the following:

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