Account: Email Options
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Account: Email Options

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Article summary

When you edit your account's settings, the Email Options accordion of the Account Profile workscreen includes the following settings.

Email Options


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings. 

Send Automated Weekly Emails

If checked:

To prevent the weekly reminder email from being sent to a specific user, uncheck the Send Weekly Task Reminder setting on the User Profile workscreen.
To prevent the weekly summary report from being sent to a specific user, uncheck the Send Weekly Progress Summary setting on the User Profile workscreen.

Send Weekly Email to Active Learners Only

This setting is only applicable if the Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked. If checked, the weekly reminder email is only sent to learners who have logged in or who have been enrolled in a course within the last 60 days. By default, the account's selected Weekly Reminder to Learner email will be selected.

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

Only Include Upcoming ILT Sessions

This setting is only applicable if the instructor-led course management functionality is enabled for the account and the Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked. If checked, only sessions that start within the next 30 days will be included in the weekly reminder email to learners.

If the setting is not checked, all sessions the learner is enrolled in will be included, regardless of how far into the future the session starts. 

This would only be an option if ILTs were enabled for the account. This would apply to other ILT emails as well, like the unenrollment email, or the ones that supervisors can be CC'd on.

Always Send Progress Report

This setting is only applicable if the Send Automated Weekly Emails setting is checked. If checked, the weekly summary report is sent even when there is no recent learner activity. By default, the account's selected Weekly Summary Report email template will be selected.

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

If the setting is not checked, the weekly summary report will only be sent if learners have made progress that can be reported on (i.e., starting, continuing, completing a course; enrollment status changing) during the last week.

Enable Waiting List Reminder

If checked, learners on either the course or session waiting list will be sent the Waiting List Reminder email if there are seats available in the session. By default, the account's Waiting List Reminder email template will be selected. 

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

Instructor-led courses and sessions that have their waiting list enabled will inherit this account setting, but you may override it at the course or session level

Enable CC on All Emails

If checked, you can specify a comma-separated list of email addresses that will be CC'd on all emails. 


This setting is only applicable if the Enable Waiting List Reminder setting is checked. Enter the number of days before a session with available seats starts that the Session Available email should be sent to users on the course or session waiting list.

Instructor-led courses and sessions that have their waiting list enabled will inherit this account setting, but you may override it at the course or session level

Send Unenrollment Email

Select the course types that will send the unenrollment email to the learner's supervisor when a learner unenrolls from or is unenrolled from a course:

CC Supervisors on Learner Emails

The default CC Supervisors on Learner Emails setting for newly created online, SCORM, and instructor-led courses. If the email is selected, supervisors will be CC'd when the email is sent to a learner. These settings may be overridden at the course level. 

The ILT email options are only applicable if the instructor-led course management functionality is enabled for the account.
If you want SmarterU emails to come from a custom domain, click Edit and specify the custom domain settings.

Custom Domain Settings

Click the Edit button in the Email Options accordion to display these settings. 


The additional settings display at the bottom of the Email Options accordion.


Set a "From" Address for System-Generated Emails

System-generated emails include:

Select one of the following options:

  • SmarterU Default - By default, system-generated emails appear to be sent from the account name (i.e., Account Name 
  • Unbranded From Address - Select this option if you'd like to use as the "from" address. 


This setting is only applicable if the Set a "From" Address for System-Generated Emails setting is set to Unbranded From Address. The email sender's display name for system-generated emails.

Set a "From" Address for User-Generated Emails

User-generated emails include the emails that are generated as a result of some user action such as enrolling a user in a course. Select one of the following options:

  • SmarterU Default - By default, user-generated emails appear to be sent from the account name (i.e., Account Name 
  • Unbranded From Address - Select this option if you'd like to use as the "from" address. You can enter the sender's name that's displayed in system-generated emails in the Identity field.


This setting is only applicable if the Set a "From" Address for User-Generated Emails setting is set to Unbranded From Address. The email sender's display name for user-generated emails.

Enable Default Reply-To Address

If checked, you can specify a default reply to address for system- and user-generated emails in the Default Reply-To Email Address field. This lets you control where emails are sent if a user responds to a system- or user-generated email.


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