Course: Course Managers
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Course: Course Managers

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Article summary

Course managers are the users who are able to update the course's information and content. All users are potential course managers. Course Managers are assigned and removed in the Course Managers accordion of the Course Information workscreen. 

Below is a list of the functionality that all course managers will have access to. In addition to this functionality, you can also control course managers' access with the account's Course Manager Access setting.

Course Builder Dashboard
Course Information Workscreen
  • Edit all settings for existing courses. Refer to the page on online, SCORM, and instructor-led courses for details on the available settings. A course manager will be able to see and assign a course to any group(s) that are assigned courses they manage. For example, if course A is assigned to group X, the course manager will only be able to assign other courses they manage to group X. However, if course A is assigned to groups X, Y, and Z, the course manager can assign other courses they manage to groups X, Y, and Z. 
  • Add sessions to instructor-led courses.
  • Archive and unarchive courses.
Session Information Workscreen
If a user with the Group Manager or Create Course group permission adds a course, they'll be automatically added a course manager to that course.

Assigning Course Managers

To assign course managers to a new course:

  1. From the Course Information workscreen, expand the Course Managers accordion.
  2. Click + Course Managers.

Course Info - Course Managers - Add Course Managers Button 20220616

The Course Managers accordion displays two tabs (i.e., Course Managers and All Users).

  1. Select the All Users tab.
  2. Select the users who you'd like to add as course managers by clicking the Add beside their name. If you want to add all users currently displayed in the grid as course managers, click Assign All. The selected rows are shaded.

Course Managers - Selecting 20220616

  1. Click Save.

Removing a Course Manager

To remove a previously assigned course manager:

  1. Edit the online, SCORM, or instructor-led course.
  2. Expand the Course Managers accordion.
  3. Click the  beside the course manager's name.

Removing Course Managers

  1. Click Save.

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