Inactivating Online Course Content
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Inactivating Online Course Content

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Article summary

In order to preserve the history of any actions or records, there is no delete function in SmarterU. While it's not possible to delete online course content (i.e., chapters, tasks, questions, or cards) you can deactivate them by changing their status to Inactive

Inactive chapters, tasks, questions, or cards will not be visible to any learners. This includes learners currently enrolled in the course and learners who are enrolled in the course after the content is deactivated. 

Inactivating Online Course Content

  • Changing the status takes place immediately. You do not need to click Save.
  • You can reactivate course content by setting its status back to Active.
  • Deactivating a chapter prevents learners from viewing any content in the chapter. If you need a task in the inactive chapter to still be accessible to learners, move the task to an active chapter.

To inactivate online course content:

  1. From the Course Builder Dashboard, select the chapter, task, question, or card.
  2. Set the status to Inactive.

Refer to Viewing Tasks In a Course for details on viewing inactive course content.

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