Adding a Flashcard Activity
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Adding a Flashcard Activity

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Article summary

To add a flashcard activity:

  1. View your course's content in the Course Builder Dashboard.
  2. From the task list in the left pane, select the chapter where you want to add the flashcard activity. 
  3. Click the arrow beside Activity.
  4. Select Flashcards.

Add Flashcard

You can also right-click on the chapter in the left pane and select Activity, then Flashcards.

A new Activity tab displays the Flashcards workscreen.


  1. By default, new activities will be named Activity. Rename the task by doing the following:
  1. Click the  beside the name.
  2. Enter the new name.
  3. Press ENTER.
  4. Click Save.
  1. Specify the settings for the flashcard activity.
If you don't see the settings for the task, be sure the  button at the top of the workscreen is enabled. Depending on your screen size, the settings will display either on the right or at the bottom of the workscreen.
  1. Add one or more cards to the flashcard activity. 
  2. Specify the notification settings.
  3. Click Save.


Time Limit

Check to set a maximum amount of time learners have to complete the flashcards. 

If checked, you should also enter the maximum number of minutes learners have to complete the flashcards in the Minutes field. This setting is not reflected in the preview that's displayed at the top of the Flashcards workscreen.

If you do not specify the number of minutes, the learner will be able to take as much time as they need to complete the flashcards.

Set Number of Flashcard Attempts

Check to specify the number of cards to show the learner per attempt.

If checked, you should also enter the number of cards to show the learner per attempt in the field that displays. This setting is not reflected in the preview that's displayed at the top of the Flashcards workscreen.

If you do not check the Set Number of Flashcards Per Attempt checkbox, the learner will be shown all cards in the flashcard task.

Randomize Order

Check to display the cards in random order. This setting is not reflected in the preview that's displayed at the top of the Flashcards workscreen.

Flip Button

The default flip button image is Flip.

To display a custom image for the flip button:

  1. Click Upload File
  2. Upload the image for the flip button by doing the following:
  1. Navigate to the file's location.
  2. Select the file.
  3. Click Open.
Refer to SmarterU File Uploads for file specifications.  

Adding a Card

To add a card to a flashcard activity:

  1. From the Flashcards workscreen, click Card.

Add Card

A new Card tab displays the Card workscreen.

Card Workscreen

You can also right-click on the flashcard task in the left pane and select Card
  1. Ensure that the Question tab is selected.

Question Tab

  1. Enter the question in either the Editor or HTML Editor tab. If you're using the Editor tab, you can use the WYSIWYG editor. You can preview the question by selecting the Preview tab.
  2. Select the Answer tab.
  3. Enter the answer in either the Editor or HTML Editor tab. If you're using the Editor tab, you can use the WYSIWYG editor. You can preview the answer by selecting the Preview tab. 
  4. If you want the question to be required, check the Required Question checkbox in the General Preferences accordion. 
  5. Click Save.

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