Viewing Tasks In a Course
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Viewing Tasks In a Course

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Article summary

Viewing Tasks by Chapter

This is the default list option for the Course Builder Dashboard.

To view tasks by the chapter:

  1. View the Course Builder Dashboard.
  2. From the list, select Tasks (by chapter).

Tasks by Chapter

The chapters in the course display in the order that they are displayed to learners. To view the tasks in a chapter, click the arrow beside the chapter. To view a chapter or task's details, click its name. 

Viewing Tasks by Name

To view tasks by name:

  1. View the Course Builder Dashboard.
  2. From the list, select Tasks (by name).

Tasks by Name

The tasks in the course display alphabetically. To view a task's details, click the task name.

Viewing Tasks by Type

To view tasks by type:

  1. View the Course Builder Dashboard.
  2. From the list, select Tasks (by type).

Tasks by Type

The task types display. Click the arrow beside the task type to list the tasks of that type. To view a task's details, click the task name.

Viewing Inactive Tasks

Inactive tasks are not displayed in the Course Builder Dashboard by default. To view inactive tasks:

  1. View the Course Builder Dashboard
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Select Inactive.


The inactive tasks display with a red icon beside them.

Inactive Tasks

If you are viewing tasks by chapter, the task and the chapter it belongs to would both need to be inactive for them to display. If there's an inactive task in an active chapter, you could set the filter to All to view all tasks (i.e., active and inactive).

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