Previewing an Online Course
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Previewing an Online Course

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Article summary

Previewing an Online Course

Previewing an online course enables you to access the various tasks within an online course in whatever order you wish to view them. 

To preview an online course:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Course Admin
  2. Select Courses. The Courses Dashboard displays.
  3. Click the course name you would like to preview. A tab labeled with the selected course's name displays in the right pane.
  4. Click Preview.

Preview Button

The Course Task List for the selected course displays in a new browser tab.

Course Task List

  1. To preview a task, click Launch
You may preview the tasks in the course in any order that you would like.

To view the Quiz Analysis Report for a quiz, click the number in the Quiz Attempts column. 

Quiz Analysis Report

The Quiz Analysis Report will be pre-filtered for the course, quiz, and completed date.

Refer to Quiz Analysis Report for details on interpreting the output.

Previewing a Quiz

If the task you are previewing is a quiz, a page displays the quiz's settings.

Preview Quiz

Below the General Preferences and Question Preferences is a Printable PDF section. You can download the quiz's questions to a PDF by specifying the settings below and clicking Download Questions as PDF

Include Question PDF Attachments

If a question's Question Format is set to PDF File, you can check the Include Question PDF Attachments checkbox to include PDFs in the download. 

Multiple Questions Per Page

Check to display more than one question per page in the PDF download. If unchecked, each question displays on a separate page in the PDF download.

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