Group: Learning Plans
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Group: Learning Plans

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Article summary

Assigning a learning plan to a group enables you to control whether group users can self-enroll in the learning plan and whether group users are automatically assigned the learning plan. The group's learning plans are displayed and managed in the Learning Plans accordion of the Add/Edit Group workscreen. 

A grid displays the learning plans assigned to the group. The grid's columns are described below.




The name of the learning plan assigned to the group.


The status of the learning plan.

Enrollment - Self

Indicates whether group users can self-enroll in the learning plan:

  •  - The group's users can self-enroll in the learning plan.
  •  - The group's users cannot self-enroll in the learning plan.
To make the learning plans that are available for self-enrollment visible to users, you will also need to add a Learning Plan type page with the Catalog layout in their dashboard set.

Enrollment - Automation

Indicates whether group users are automatically assigned the learning plan.  

  •  - The group's users are automatically assigned the learning plan.
  •  - The group's users are not automatically assigned the learning plan.

Learning Plans - Met

The number of group users who have completed the learning plan's certifications.

Learning Plans - Warning

The number of group users who have certification requirements within the warning period.

Learning Plans - Not Met

The number of group users who have not completed the learning plan's certifications.

Assigning a Learning Plan to a Group

To assign a learning plan to a group:

  1. From the Add/Edit Group workscreen, expand the Learning Plans accordion.
  2. If you are assigning a learning plan to a new group, continue to step 3. If you are assigning a learning plan to an existing group, click Learning Plans.

An All Learning Plans tab displays the learning plans that are not already assigned to your group. 

  1. Click the beside the learning plan. To assign all learning plans to the group, click Add All. The selected learning plan rows will be shaded.

  1. Specify the following settings for the learning plan. At least one of the checkboxes (i.e., Self or Auto) must be checked.


If checked, users in the group will be able to self-enroll in the learning plan. 

To make the learning plans that are available for self-enrollment visible to users, you will also need to add a Learning Plan type page with the Catalog layout in their dashboard set.


Checked by default. If checked, all existing users in the group and any new users added to the group will be automatically assigned the learning plan.

You can automate course enrollments for learning plans by checking the account's Enable Learning Plans & Certification Enrollment Automation setting.
  1. Click Save.

Removing a Learning Plan from a Group

Removing a learning plan from a group will NOT unenroll group users who were enrolled in the learning plan's courses.

To remove a learning plan from a group:

  1. From the Add/Edit Group workscreen, expand the Learning Plans accordion. 
  2. Click the beside the learning plan you would like to remove from the group. To remove all learning plans from the group, click Remove All.
  3. Click Save.
  • If a learning plan was manually assigned to a user prior to the learning plan being assigned to the group, removing the learning plan from the group will have no effect on the user. If the user is removed from the group, the user will still be assigned the learning plan.
  • If a user belongs to multiple groups that are assigned the same learning plan, removing the learning plan from one group will not have any effect on the user if other groups they belong to are still assigned the learning plan. 
  • Attempting to remove the learning plan from a user via the Users Dashboard when the learning plan is assigned to one of the user's groups will not have any effect on the user. 
  • For information on removing a learning plan from a user, refer to Unassigning Learning Plans from a User.

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