Page: Configuration for Learning Plan Pages
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Page: Configuration for Learning Plan Pages

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Article summary

These dashboard set page settings are only applicable if the page's Type setting is set to Learning Plan. These settings are located in the Configuration accordion of the Add/Edit Category Page workscreen. 

Add Edit Category Page - Configuration Learning Plan - Structured 20220617

Settings: Layout Options


Select one of the following layouts:

  • Structured - Displays a hierarchical layout to learners where they drill down to view the learning plans' certifications and requirements.

Uma imagem contendo Texto  Descrição gerada automaticamente

  • Flat - Displays a list of the courses and actions associated with learning plans that the learner is assigned. The courses and actions are organized based on the learner's completion status. 

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

  • Catalog - Displays learning plans that have their self-enroll setting enabled. 

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo, chat ou mensagem de texto  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Settings: Learning Plan Options

Learning Plan

If you would like to display a specific learning plan on the page, select the learning plan. Otherwise, leave this set to Don't Filter to include all learning plans assigned to the learner.

Enable Auto Drill Down

This setting is only available when the Layout setting is set to Structured. If enabled, the learning plans page will automatically display the certification's details when a learning plan only has one certification.

Settings: Certification Options

Show Requirement Titles

This setting is only available when the Layout setting is set to Structured or Catalog. Enable to display the requirements' titles on the learner interface. In the example below, the requirements' titles are displayed on the learner interface.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo, Email  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Show Requirement Descriptions

This setting is only applicable when the Layout setting is set to Structured or Catalog. Enable to display the requirements' descriptions on the learner interface. In the example below, the requirements' titles and descriptions are both displayed in the learner interface.

Settings: Tag Options

Display Tags

Check to display the action tags and course tags on the learner interface. 

Settings: Learner Interaction Options


This setting is only applicable when the Layouts setting is set to Catalog.

Check to allow learners to search the contents of the learning plan catalog.

Settings: Message Options

Enable Message

If enabled, you can add a message to the learning plan page. 


This setting is only applicable when the Enable Message setting is enabled.

Enter the message to display on the learning plan page.

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