Page: Configuration for Leaderboard Pages
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Page: Configuration for Leaderboard Pages

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Article summary

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable points and rewards for your account.

These dashboard set page settings are only applicable if the page's Type setting is set to Leaderboard. These settings are located in the Configuration accordion of the Add/Edit Category Page workscreen.

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Point Tracker

The point trackers the leaderboard will be displaying information for. Click the Ícone  Descrição gerada automaticamente beside the point trackers you want to include on the leaderboard. Click Forma, Seta  Descrição gerada automaticamente to reset the list and de-select any point trackers.


The date range to include in the page.

  • Previous Day(s) - Includes points earned during the selected number of days prior to today. Points earned today are not included.
  • Week(s)-to-Date - Includes points earned during the current week (i.e., range is set to 0). You may include prior weeks by increasing the range. A week is from Monday-Sunday. 
  • Last Week(s) - Includes points earned during the selected number of weeks prior to the current week (i.e., range is set to 1). A week is from Monday-Sunday. Points earned during the current week are not included. 
  • Month(s)-to-Date - Includes points earned during the current month. You may include prior months by increasing the range. 
  • Last Month(s) - Includes points earned during the selected number of months prior to today (i.e., range is set to 1). Points earned during the current month are not included.
  • Year-to-Date - Includes points earned during the current year.
  • Last Year - Includes points earned during the previous year.
  • Date Range - Includes points earned from the selected start date to the selected end date.

Show Top #

The number of users or groups with the highest points earned to display in the leaderboard's list.

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Leaderboard Type

Select how you want points to be totaled for the page.

  • User - Points will be totaled by user. 

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  • Home Group  - Points will be totaled by home group

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If a Leaderboard page is added to a dashboard set that has its Availability set to Home Group and only one home group is selected, then the User leaderboard type will be the only type available.

Limit Users to Those Who Share a Home Group With the Logged In User

This setting is only applicable when the Leaderboard Type setting is set to User.

If enabled, the leaderboard will only display other users who are in the same home group as the logged in user.

Add a Leaderboard Message

If enabled, you can add a message to the leaderboard page. 

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Leaderboard Message

This setting is only applicable when the Add a Leaderboard Message setting is enabled.

Enter the message to display on the leaderboard page.

Enable Customizable Panel

If enabled, a panel displays on the leaderboard page where you can enter any information you want to provide to learners.

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After enabling the setting, you can enter the title, provide an image, and enter the content for the customizable panel.

Customizable Panel


This setting is only applicable when the Enable Customizable Panel setting is enabled. 

Enter the title for the customizable panel.


This setting is only applicable when the Enable Customizable Panel setting is enabled.

If you would like to display an image in the customizable panel, click Upload to select the image.


This setting is only applicable when the Enable Customizable Panel setting is enabled. 

Enter the text for the customizable panel.

Group Restriction Options

By default, all users or groups are included in the leaderboard's list of top points. If you would like to limit the list to specific groups, click the Ícone  Descrição gerada automaticamente beside the group(s) you would like to include.

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