Default Enrollment Report
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Default Enrollment Report

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Article summary

The default Enrollment Report enables you to view the progress of learners enrolled in any of your courses. The default Enrollment Report provides a set of filters that you can use to refine your results.

Several dashboards in SmarterU provide links to the default Enrollment Report. For example, clicking any of the Enrollment numbers in the Groups Dashboard displays the default Enrollment Report pre-filtered for the selected status. If the number clicked was for a specific group, the group name is also used as a filter value for the Enrollment Report.

Running the Enrollment Report

To run the Enrollment Report:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Enrollments.

The default Enrollment Report page displays with the Filters accordion expanded.

  1. Specify filters for the report.
If you specify filters on multiple columns, the filters will be evaluated using the AND condition.  
  1. Click Run Report.

The selected filters are applied and the Enrollment Report accordion displays the output.

Default Enrollment Report Filters

The default Enrollment Report includes the following filters.


Includes enrollment groups with the selected status (i.e., Active (default), Inactive, All) and/or group name

If a user is removed from a group after they are enrolled in a course in that group, the user will only be included in the results if the user's enrollment group is included, or if the filter includes active groups.

Course Type

Includes enrollments that are of the selected course type (i.e., All, External, Instructor-Led, Online, SCORM). 


Includes enrollments with the selected course status (i.e., Active (default), Inactive, All), or course name

The Course list does NOT include the names of external courses submitted by learners.

Session Date

Includes instructor-led course enrollments that have a session date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.


Includes enrollments for learners with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.


Includes enrollments for learners with the selected supervisors status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.


Includes enrollments for learners with the selected organization status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.


Includes enrollments for learners who belong to a team with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name

Enrollment Tag

This filters the course enrollments by enrollment tag. To display a list of available enrollment tags, click in the field.

Enrolled Date

This filters the course enrollments to those that have an enrollment date in the selected option. Refer to Date Filters for details on available options.

Completed Date

This filters the course enrollments to those that have a completed date in the selected option. Refer to Date Filters for details on available options.

Progress Status

This filters the course enrollments to those with the selected status. Selecting All automatically includes all statuses.


Select one of the following:

  • All - Includes all enrollments
  • Self - Includes enrollments where the learner self-enrolled in the course
  • Auto - Includes enrollments where the learner did NOT self-enroll

Understanding the Enrollment Report's Output

The default Enrollment Report's output displays in the Enrollment Report accordion.

At the top of every Enrollment Report are the following summaries:

Distinct Enrollments

The count of unique enrollments included in the report.

This number may not match the number of rows displayed in the report's grid since each part of a multi-part session displays in the grid. A single enrollment may be represented by multiple rows in the grid.

Distinct Courses

The count of unique courses included in the report.

Distinct Learners

The count of unique learners included in the report.

Distinct ILT Sessions

The count of unique instructor-led sessions included in the report. 

Total Distinct ILT Duration

The total duration of distinct instructor-led sessions that are completed and finalized. 

For example, suppose the Enrollment Report includes four unique sessions that are completed and finalized. Each of the sessions has a duration of eight hours. In this example, the Total Distinct ILT Duration would be 32 hours.

Total ILT Duration

The total duration of all completed and finalized instructor-led sessions. 

For example, suppose the Enrollment Report includes eight learner enrollments that are completed and finalized. Each session has a duration of eight hours. In this example, the Total ILT Duration would be 64 hours. If a session has multiple parts, each part's duration would be included in the duration. 

Below the summaries is a grid. By default, the output in the grid is listed in alphabetical order by learner name. You may sort, group, and/or filter the output of the Enrollment Report as needed.

The first column of the grid displays one of three icons:



This icon displays when either the learner has not completed the course, or the enrollment is an external course submission. Clicking this icon unenrolls the learner from the course.

This icon displays if the learner has completed the course. Clicking this icon enables you to view the course's completion certificate.

This icon displays if the learner has exceeded the course's maximum IP address limit. Clicking this icon clears the IP addresses associated with the learner.

The second column displays a icon if you are a user who has permission to edit the enrollment.

The columns included in the default Enrollment Report's grid are described below.




The learner's name. Click the learner name to view their information.


The Course column displays the course name preceded with an icon that indicates the course type.


Instructor-led course

Online course

SCORM course


This column only applies to instructor-led courses. If the course is instructor-led, this column displays the session in which the learner is enrolled.

If the course is a multi-part session, each part of the session displays in its own row.


The date that the learner was enrolled in the course.


This column only applies to online or SCORM courses. The column displays the date that the learner started the course.

Progress %

This column only applies to online or SCORM courses. The column indicates what percentage of the course the learner has completed and enables you to view the learner's progress.

  • If the user has not yet started the course, the Progress column displays Not Started.
  • For SCORM courses this column will show 0% or 100% since there are no tasks in SCORM courses.
  • If a quiz in an online course is waiting to be graded, the Progress % column displays Waiting for Grading instead of the actual percentage. 


This column only applies to online or SCORM courses. The date on which the learner completed the course.


For online or SCORM courses, duration is the amount of time that the learner spent in the course. SCORM course durations are approximations and should not be relied upon to be 100% accurate.

How the duration for instructor-led courses is calculated will depend on the session type.

  • For non-webinar instructor-led courses (i.e., those where the session type is Venue or Other), the duration is based on the session's start and end date; for multi-part sessions, each part's duration is added together to get the course duration. 
  • For webinars, the duration is whatever the webinar provider sends back to SmarterU. If the webinar provider does not send SmarterU a duration, it is calculated in the same manner as non-webinar instructor-led courses.


If the course is graded and the learner has completed the course, this column displays the learner's final mark.


Indicates how the enrollment occurred:

  • Self - The learner self-enrolled in the course.
  • Auto - The learner did NOT self-enroll in the course.
SmarterU did not start tracking the method of enrollment until the Barton release on March 4, 2017. Enrollments prior to March 4, 2017 will display "N/A" in the Method column.


The thumbs up or thumbs down icon in the last column indicates if the learner has passed () the course, or failed () the course.

Letter-graded instructor-led course sessions will always display .

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