Enrollment Report: Editing an Enrollment
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Enrollment Report: Editing an Enrollment

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Article summary

Who Has Access

The following users can edit an enrollment:

Editing an Enrollment

The Enrollment Report enables you to change a grade, due date, and other enrollment details. 

To edit an enrollment:

  1. Run the Enrollment Report
  2. Click  beside the enrollment you would like to edit.

The Edit Enrollment window displays. The values that may be edited will vary based on the course type (i.e., external, instructor-led, online, or SCORM) and progress status.

  1. Edit the enrollment as needed. If you are editing an enrollment for a SCORM course, you may also force the enrollment to completion by selecting the Force SCORM Course Completion checkbox.

  1. Click Save.

Available Fields for External Courses

The following fields are available for external courses

Progress Status

Available Fields

Not Started

N/A. The status of external course submissions is automatically set to Completed.

In Progress

N/A. The status of external course submissions is automatically set to Completed.


  • Group
  • Course 
  • Description
  • If additional information is requested, the values for the selected tags. 
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Hours
  • Minutes
If learners earn points for external course submissions, you can edit the points earned from the Points and Rewards Dashboard.

Available Fields for Instructor-led Courses

The following fields are available for instructor-led courses

Progress Status

Available Fields

Not Started

In Progress


  • Completed Date
  • Pass/Fail Status
  • Grade
  • Group
  • Duration

Available Fields for Online Courses

The following fields are available for online courses

Progress Status

Available Fields

Not Started

In Progress


  • Completed Date
  • Completion Access (Date)
  • Pass/Fail Status
  • Grade
  • Group
  • Duration

Available Fields for SCORM Courses

The following fields are available for SCORM courses.

Progress Status

Available Fields

Not Started

In Progress


  • Completed Date
  • Completion Access (Date)
  • Pass/Fail Status
  • Grade
  • Group
  • Duration

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