SCORM Course: Completion Setup
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SCORM Course: Completion Setup

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Article summary

These settings are located in the Completion Setup accordion of the Course Information workscreen.

Course Info - Completion Setup 20221014(1)


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.

Display Grade to Learner

This setting controls whether the course certificate, course/quiz grade(s), pass/fail indicator, and transcript are visible on the learner interface.

  • Show - The course certificate, grade(s), pass/fail indicator, and transcript are visible to the learner.
  • Hide - The course certificate, grade(s), pass/fail indicator, and transcript are not visible to the learner.

Course Access After Completion

Select one of the following:

  • Available - The course will still be available to learners after they complete it.
  • Limited - After learners complete the course, it will be available for the specified number of days.
  • Unavailable - The course will not be available to learners after they complete it.

Completion Access Date Options

This setting is only available when the Course Access After Completion setting is set to Limited. Select one of the following:

  • By Days - Enter the number of days that the course will be available to learners after they complete it.
  • By Date - Specify the date that the course will be available until.

Due Date

Select one of the following:

  • Course has a due date - The course has a due date.
  • Course has no due date - No due date is associated with the course.

Due Date Options

This setting is only available when the course has a due date. Select the default enrollment due date setting for the course:

You can override the Due Date Option and its associated settings (i.e., number of days or date) when enrolling users in the course.

Course is Due Within n Days of Enrollment

This setting is only available when the course has a due date and the Due Date Options setting is set to By Days

Enter the number of days after a user is enrolled in a course that the course will be due. 

Course is Due On

This setting is only available when the course has a due date and the Due Date Options setting is set to By Date.

Select the date on which the course will be due. Enrollments processed on this date will be successful. 

If the course's due date is in the past, the enrollment will fail. For example, if the course due date is set to September 1, 2015 and an enrollment is processed on September 2, 2015, the enrollment will fail. Enrollments processed on September 1, 2015 will be successful.

Overdue Grace Period

This option is only available when the course has a due date. The options are:

  • Available - Learners will continue to have access to the course after the due date.
  • Limited - Learners will be able to access the course for the specified number of days after the due date.
  • Unavailable - Learners will not be able to access the course after the due date.

Allow Users to Re-enroll in This Course Upon Completion

Check to allow users who have completed the course to re-enroll. The new course will inherit the due date from the previous course enrollment.

For example, if learners have 30 days to complete the course, checking this setting would enable learners to re-enroll/complete the course an unlimited number of times within the 30 days.

Automatically Re-enroll Learners on Course Completion

This setting is only available when the Allow Users to Re-enroll in This Course Upon Completion setting is checked. 

Check to automatically re-enroll learners when they complete the course. This is useful when learners may want to take a course multiple times during a timeframe.

Perform Auto-Enroll When Learner

This setting is only available when the Automatically Re-enroll Learners on Course Completion setting is checked.

Select when learners will be automatically re-enrolled in the course:

  • Fail - the learner will be automatically re-enrolled in the course only if they fail the course.
  • Pass - the learner will be automatically re-enrolled in the course only if they pass the course. 
  • Both - the learner will be automatically re-enrolled in the course regardless of whether they fail or pass the course. This option might be useful in situations where learners want to be continuously enrolled in an exam prep course.

Send Course Enrollment Notification

If checked, the Course Enrollment email will be sent to the learner when they are enrolled in the course. By default, the account's selected Course Enrollment email template will be selected.

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

If the learner's emails are sent to their supervisor, the Course Enrollment Notification to Supervisor email will be sent to the learner's supervisor. By default, the account's selected Course Enrollment Notification to Supervisor email template will be sent.

Send Course Completion Notification

If checked, the Course Completion email will be sent to the learner when they complete the course. By default, the account's selected Course Completion email template will be selected. 

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

If custom contacts have been specified for the learner's group, the account's selected Course Completion to Group Contact email template will also be sent to the specified contacts. 

Always Accept Grade Updates

Check to update a learner's grade, duration in course, pass/fail status, and last access date each time the learner accesses the course, even after completion. This setting was added to facilitate certain SCORM courses (e.g., Skillsoft) that send completion information multiple times for a course.  

If this setting is checked, each time the SCORM course sends back completion information (e.g.., grade, duration), it will update the SmarterU record even if the learner has already passed or failed.

We recommend that this setting remain unselected unless you have a good reason to enable it.

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