SCORM Course: Access Options
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SCORM Course: Access Options

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Article summary

The CDN security providers functionality is not enabled by default. Please contact our Success Desk to have the functionality enabled.

A SCORM course's access options enable you to limit the number of unique IP addresses the course can be accessed from and specify a CDN security provider. 

These settings are located in the Access Options accordion of the Course Information workscreen. 

Access Options

Administrators and group managers can clear the IP addresses from the Enrollment Report.


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.

Limit Course Access by IP Address

Select one of the following:

  • No Limit - Learners may access the course from an unlimited number of IP addresses (i.e., locations).
  • Limit IP addresses - The maximum number of IP addresses (i.e., locations) that a user may access the course from. If you select this option, you may also specify the message that displays when the learner reaches the max. If the learner reaches the max, an administrator or group manager will be able to reset the IP list for the learner.

Limit IP Addresses

Allow Access to a Maximum of n Unique IP Addresses

This setting is only available when the Limit Course Access by IP Address setting is set to Limit IP Addresses.

Enter the maximum number of unique IP addresses from which a learner will be able to access the course.

Message to Display When IP Limit Has Been Reached

This setting is only available when the Limit Course Access by IP Address setting is set to Limit IP Addresses.

Enter the message that the learner will see when they exceed the maximum allowed number of unique IP addresses. 

Enable CDN Security

This setting is only available when a CDN security provider has been added to the account

Check to enable CDN security for the course. 

Because SmarterU's built-in Content Delivery Network cannot be used for SCORM courses, you'll need to host the SCORM files elsewhere. Contact our Success Desk for more details.

CDN Security Provider

This setting is only available when the Enable CDN Security setting is checked.

Select the CDN security provider for the course. 

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