API: Requirement's Course Auto-Enroll Settings
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API: Requirement's Course Auto-Enroll Settings

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Article summary

The following API methods enable you to specify or retrieve the Auto-Enroll settings for a requirement's courses:

Each requirement block's Auto-Enroll settings are specified using some combination of the following tags:

  • AutoEnroll
  • AutoEnrollILT
  • AutoEnrollOnFailure

 The grid below summarizes the Auto-Enroll option that is used by the course based on the values of the above tags. 

AUTO-ENROLL OPTIONAutoEnrollAutoEnrollILTAutoEnrollOnFailure
Do Not Auto-Enroll0nullnull
Auto-Enroll Once1null2
Auto-Enroll Until Pass1null1
Auto-Enroll to Waiting List122
Auto-Enroll to Waiting List (Until Pass)121
Auto-Enroll to First Available Session112
Auto-Enroll to First Available Session (Until Pass)111

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