Exporting the Point Redemption Grid
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Exporting the Point Redemption Grid

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Article summary

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable points and rewards for your account.
  • Regardless of which export option is selected, the user's enrollment group will always be included.
  • The Enrollment Group column will only include a value if the points were earned as a result of a course enrollment. No enrollment group displays if the points were manually entered. 
  • Any column filters that you've applied to the grid will be ignored by the export.

To export the point redemption grid to a CSV file:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Points & Rewards.
  2. Click Redemption.
  3. From the list located on the right above the grid, select one of the following:
  • Export to CSV - exports the columns visible in the grid.
  • Export to CSV (full) - exports all user columns.

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