Subscription: Image
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Subscription: Image

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Article summary

SmarterU enables you to customize the image that is displayed with your subscription

A subscription's image is located in the Images accordion of the Add/Edit Subscription workscreen. 

Images Accordion

Uploading the Subscription's Image

Refer to SmarterU File Uploads for file specifications.  

To upload a subscription image:

  1. From the Add/Edit Subscription workscreen, expand the Images section.
  2. Click Upload Image. If you are replacing an existing file, click Replace Image.
  3. Navigate to the location of the image.
  4. Select the image.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Click Save.

If you have already uploaded an image, hover over the View Image link to preview the image. 

To delete the image, click the X beside the View Image link.

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