Learner Interface: Forms
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Learner Interface: Forms

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Article summary

Form pages display the post-course evaluations assigned to you. Form pages only display forms that were created using SmarterU's form builder. Forms created using third-party software are not listed on the page.

Forms List View 20221027

The Pending Forms section of the page displays the forms that you have not yet submitted. The Submitted Forms section displays the forms that you've completed in the last six months. 

After an instructor-led session is finalized, the form will no longer display in the Pending Forms section. In order to submit your response to a session's form, you must do so before the session is finalized. 

In the menu, the number beside a forms page indicates the number of forms on the page.

Menu - Forms Count 20221018

Depending on how the page has been configured, you may also be able to change the page layout, display pending or submitted forms, or search for forms.

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