Learner Interface: Viewing Forms
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Learner Interface: Viewing Forms

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Article summary

How you view a form from a forms page will depend on the layout you've selected and whether you've submitted the form

List View

To view a form from a form page's list view, do any of the following:

  • If you haven't responded to the form, click Launch 20221018, the Post-Course Evaluation link, or the course's image.

List View - Pending - Launching 20221103

  • If you've submitted the form, click View Form Response 20221103, the Post-Course Evaluation link, or the course's image.

List View - Submitted - Viewing 20221103

Tile View

To view a form from a form page's tile view, do any of the following:

  • If you haven't responded to the form, click Launch Form, the Post-Course Evaluation link, or the course's image.

Tile View - Pending - Launching 20221103(1)

  • If you've submitted the form, click View, the Post-Course Evaluation link, or the course's image.

Tile View - Submitted - Viewing 20221103

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