Viewing Enrollment Reports
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Viewing Enrollment Reports

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Viewing Enrollment Reports by Type

To view Enrollment Reports by their visibility level:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Reports. The Reports Dashboard displays.
  3. From the list, select Enrollment Reports (by type). The reports are organized by visibility level:
  • System Reports - Reports that are included with SmarterU such as the default Enrollment Report.
  • Account Reports - Account-level reports to which you either created, or have access to.
  • Group Reports - Group-level reports to which you either created, or have access to.
  • Private Reports - Private reports that you created.
If any of the visibility levels do not contain a report, the visibility level will not display in the left pane. In the following example, there are no group reports to display.
Enrollments by Type - No Group 20220303

To view an Enrollment Report, expand the type and select the report.

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