Cookie Consent
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Cookie Consent

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Article summary

Cookies are pieces of data that are stored on someone’s device when they access a website. This data can then be used to improve the efficiency of the site, streamline the user’s experience when they visit the site again, and track usage analytics, among other things. 

You’ve probably been asked to accept or deny cookies many times before. While this messaging provides transparency, it is also necessary to meet certain compliance requirements. 

For example, for a website to be GDPR compliant, it must provide information on what cookies it uses and allow users to freely consent to storing cookies on their device.

SmarterU enables accounts to set up a portal. A portal is a website into SmarterU that's customized for the company or organization. Each SmarterU portal can control whether it requires its users to accept cookies in order to use SmarterU. When a portal requires cookie consent, each user can accept or deny the collection of cookies. 

Users who deny cookies when they are required by the portal will not be able to log into SmarterU. 

After consenting to cookies, SmarterU stores the following cookies:

  • CFID

In addition, cookies from the following 3rd party providers are also stored. 


We use BingAds to interact with users who have previously visited our website. These cookies include:

  • _uetvid - expires after 13 months.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect user metrics so we can track usage and inform our development plans. These cookies include:

  • __utma - expires after 2 years.
  • __utmb - expires after 30 minutes.
  • __utmc - expires at the end of the browser session.
  • __utmt - expires after 10 minutes. 
  • __utmz - expires after 6 months. 
  • _ga - expires after 2 years.
  • _ga_<container-id> 
  • _ga_<container-id>

For information on how Google Analytics uses cookies, view their cookie policy.


We use Hubspot to analyze the amount of time users interact with our site. These cookies include:

  • __hstc - expires after 6 months.
  • hubspotutk - expires after 6 months.

For information on how Hubspot uses cookies, view their cookie policy.

Lucky Orange

We use Lucky Orange to analyze how users interact with our website. These cookies include:

  • __lotl - expires after 180 days.
  • _lo_uid - expires after 2 years. 
  • _lo_v - expires after 1 year.

For information on how Lucky Orange uses cookies, view their cookie policy.

Microsoft Clarity

We use Microsoft Clarity to collect usage statistics. These cookies include:

  • _clck


We use Zendesk to facilitate live chat and email communications between users and our Success Desk. These cookies include:

  • cf_bm - expires after 30 minutes
  • _cfruid - expires after session ends 
  • _zendesk_session - expires after 8 hours
  • zendesk_thirdparty_test - expires after 8 hours
  • _zendesk_shared_session - expires after 8 hours
  • _zendesk_authenticated - expires after session ends
  • cf_chl_prog - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy
  • cf_clearance - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy 
  • cf_chl_2 - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy 
  • <integrationId>.appUserId - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy 
  • <integrationId>.clientId - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy 
  • <integrationId>.sessionToken - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy 
  • ZD-widgetOpen - never expires
  • ZD-launcherLabelRemoved - never expires
  • ZD-soundNotificationDisabledKey - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy
  • ZD-bannerDismissed - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy 
  • ZD-campaigns - expiration is dependant on the end-user's browser policy 
  • ZD-conversationStartedAt - expiration is dependant on the end user's browser policy 
  • _zendesk_cookie - expires after 1 year

For more information on how Zendesk uses cookies, view their cookie policy.

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