Adding a Block to a Requirement
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Adding a Block to a Requirement

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Article summary

To add a block to the requirement:

  1. Be sure that the requirement has been added.
  2. From the Add/Edit Requirement Blocks section of the workscreen, select the course or action that you want to add to the block from the Select a Course or Action list. To add and assign a new private action, click Action (Private).

If you added a course to the requirement block, icons display to indicate whether the course's auto-enroll and self-enroll settings are enabled. You can expand the course's accordion to edit the course's settings for the requirement. 

You can also provide users with alternate courses and/or actions

Adding an Alternate Option for a Block

Alternate options provide learners with a choice in how they complete the requirement block. 

To add alternate options for the block:

  1. Click .
  2. Select Add Alternate Completion Option.

A Select a Course or Action list displays within the requirement block.

  1. Select the alternate option from the Select a Course or Action list. 

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