Assigning Certifications to a Learning Plan
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Assigning Certifications to a Learning Plan

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Article summary

The certifications assigned to a learning plan determine which requirements (i.e., courses and actions) a user must complete. 

To assign a certification to a learning plan:

  1. Be sure that the learning plan has been added
  2. From the Add/Edit Certifications section of the workscreen, select the certification you would like to assign to the learning plan.

  1. To view the certification's details or change its mandate level, expand the certification's accordion. 
  2. If needed, you may change the Mandate Level of the certification for the learning plan. Select one of the following:
  • Mandatory - The certification is required for the learning plan.
  • Recommended - The certification is not required, but recommended for the learning plan. 
  • Optional - The certification is optional for the learning plan. 
  1. Click Save.

The header for the certification displays an icon indicating its mandate level, its name, and the number of requirements assigned to the certification. The table provides additional details about the requirements assigned to the certification including the requirement name, how long it's valid, and the number of actions and courses assigned to the requirement. 

Removing Certifications from a Learning Plan

To remove a certification from a learning plan:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Account Admin.
  2. Select Learning Plans. The Learning Plans Dashboard displays.
  3. View the learning plan's details.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Expand the accordion for the certification you would like to remove from the learning plan.
  6. Click Remove Certification.

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