Contacting Our Success Desk
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Contacting Our Success Desk

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Article summary

Contacting Our Success Desk

You can use any of the options below to contact our Success Desk®:

What You Should Provide

In the event that you need to contact our Success Desk for help, you should be prepared to provide the following information:

  • The browser and version that you are using.
  • The operating system that you are using.
  • Detailed steps for reproducing the behavior.
  • If you are getting an error, the exact text of the error. If you have a screen capture tool, you can use it to capture the error message that is displayed. You can then save the screen capture to a file and attach the file to your support form.

Determining Your Browser Version

Refer to the browser-specific help page for information on how to determine your browser version:

Chat with Us

Want to chat with a member of our Success Desk? Administrators can initiate an online chat by clicking the icon in the lower right corner.

Admin Dashboard - Chat with Us 20230913(1)

You can also chat with our Success Desk from our Success Center by clicking Contact Us, or the icon in the lower right corner.

Success Center - Chat with Us 20230906(2)

Email Us from the In-App Help

If you're using SmarterU's in-app help, you can email our Success Desk by clicking Contact Our Success Desk from the Page Help tab.

In App Help - Page Help - Email Success Desk 20230905

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