Custom Learning Plan Report: Report Profile
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Custom Learning Plan Report: Report Profile

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Article summary

A custom Learning Plan Report's profile settings are located in the Report Profile accordion of the Add/Edit Learning Plan Report workscreen.


Be sure to click Save after changing any of these settings.


The name of the report.

For reports that have a Visibility Level of Group or Account, the name must be unique within the Visibility Level. For example, you cannot have a group-level Learning Plan Report named "My Report" and a group-level Enrollment Report named "My Report".


Select the report's status:

  • Active - The report may be accessed and run from the Reports Dashboard.
  • Inactive - The report is not accessible from the Reports Dashboard by default.

Visibility Level

Select who will have access to the report:

  • Private - The report may only be accessed and run by you, the report creator.
  • Group - The report may be accessed by users who have access to the Reports Dashboard and who belong to a group to which the report has been made available. Administrators and owners may edit the report.

    If a user who does not have access to the group(s) runs the report, the results will be restricted and a message displays indicating that the user does not have permission to view some/all of the results.

    Selecting the Group visibility level requires you to also select the groups to which the report will be available from the list. 
The names of reports in a group must be unique within the group.
  • Account - The report may be accessed by users in the account with access to the Reports Dashboard. If the report is defined with specific group filters and a user without access to some or all of the groups runs the report, the results will be restricted and a message displays indicating that the user does not have permission to view some/all of the results.
The names of reports in an account must be unique within the account.


A brief description of the report profile.

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