SCORM Package Properties
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SCORM Package Properties

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Article summary

These are advanced options and should only be edited after careful consideration.

These settings determine the availability of navigational controls in the SCORM Player.

Navigational Controls

Refer to this PDF to learn which navigational control settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

Launch Behavior

These settings determine how the parts of the SCORM Player will be launched. 

Launch Behavior

Refer to this PDF to learn which launch behavior settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

Rudimentary Sequencing

These settings control what action the SCORM player will take when a SCO exits. Some possible actions include going to the next SCO, displaying a message and exiting the course. There are three factors the SCORM player looks at when determining the action to take when a SCO exits:

  • the position the SCO is in the course
  • the state of the SCO/course
  • the SCORM exit type specified by the SCO (suspend, normal, timeout, logout)

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Refer to this PDF to learn which rudimentary sequencing settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

Rudimentary Rollup

These settings specify how to score courses. These settings not applicable to SCORM 2004 courses since SCORM 2004 Simple Sequencing allows the content to specify these behaviors.

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Refer to this PDF to learn which rudimentary rollup settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

Compatibility Settings

These settings control a variety of different properties.

Compatibility Settings

Refer to this PDF to learn which compatibility settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

Communication Settings

These settings affect how the player saves course status.

Communication Settings

Refer to this PDF to learn which communication settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

Debugger Options

These settings are related to client-side (browser) logging.

Debugger Options

Refer to this PDF to learn which debugger settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

History Options

These settings affect the collection of launch history information.

History Options

Refer to this PDF to learn which history settings are applicable to different versions of SCORM. 

Reporting Heuristics

These settings control what information is tracked. 

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This setting controls the preset name.

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