Quiz: General Preferences
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Quiz: General Preferences

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Article summary

These quiz settings are located in the General Preferences accordion of the Quiz workscreen.

General Preferences

If you don't see the settings for the task, be sure the  button at the top of the workscreen is enabled. Depending on your screen size, the settings will display either on the right or at the bottom of the workscreen.


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.

Time Limit

If checked, learners must complete the quiz within the specified number of minutes. If there is no time limit for completing the quiz, leave the Time Limit checkbox unchecked. 


This setting is only available when the Time Limit setting is checked. Enter the number of minutes a learner has to complete the quiz

The amount of time the learner has remaining to complete the quiz displays above each question. 

When the time limit is reached, the message below displays:

You have run out of time on your quiz attempt and it will now be submitted. 

Any questions that the learner did not answer will be marked as incorrect. 

If the Use Availability Window setting is checked for the quiz, the time remaining displayed to the learner is the timer that expires first.

Display Grade to Learner

Select what details are provided to learners after each of their quiz attempts. The grid below summarizes the available options. Refer to each option's description for details. 


Displays the learner's grade as a percentage




Makes it possible for the learner to view quiz questions and their responses




Grade Rounding

Determines how the quiz grade is rounded. 

  • Precise - Rounds the grade to 2 decimal places. For example, a grade of 87.754% would be rounded to 87.75%.
  • Rounded - Rounds the grade to the nearest whole number. For example, a grade of 87.7% would be rounded to 88%.
  • Truncated - Removes decimals from the grade. For example, a grade of 87.7% would be rounded to 87%.

Provide Answer Feedback

Select if and when feedback is provided to learners:

  • None - No feedback is provided to learners during quizzes.
  • After Each Question - Feedback is provided to learners after each quiz question. For multiple choice questions, you'll be able to provide feedback for each answer option.

If you select the After Each Question option:

Randomize Question Order

If checked, the questions display in random order for each learner enrolled in the course.

For example, the questions might be presented in this order for Learner A:

  • Question 2
  • Question 1
  • Question 3

The questions might be presented in this order for Learner B:

  • Question 3
  • Question 2
  • Question 1
Learners will be asked questions that are required first unless the Randomize Question Order setting is enabled.

Randomize Answer Order

If checked, the answer options for multiple choice questions are listed in random order. If the learner refreshes the page or visits the index page, the order in which the answers were originally presented will be retained until the learner completes the course. 

If unchecked, multiple choice answer options will be listed in the same order that they were created.

Questions Per Quiz Attempt

The number of questions that a learner will be asked during a quiz attempt.

If the quiz has more required questions than the number specified, learners will only be asked the number specified in the Questions Per Quiz Attempt setting.

Show Question Value

If checked, the question's value is displayed to the learner. The question value displays when learners are answering a question:

And on the Quiz Completion page if the question is included (based on Results to Display On Quiz Index and Review Pages setting).

Customize Quiz Index Message

If checked, you can customize the message displayed on the quiz index page. 

The default message is:

This is the quiz index page where you can view and navigate between questions.
To return to the quiz, click the button above.

Customize Quiz Summary Message

If checked, you can customize the message on the quiz summary page that's displayed before learners finalize their quiz.

The default message is:

This is the quiz summary page. Please review your quiz before submitting it for grading.


This option is only available when the course's Enable Proctoring setting is checked.

Select the proctoring option for the quiz:

  • None - The quiz will not be proctored. 
  • Proctor Code - A proctor code will be assigned to each learner assigned to the course and a proctor will need to enter the code before the learner can take the quiz.

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

If the learner fails or exceeds the maximum time allowed to complete the quiz, a proctor will need to re-enter the code. You may choose to customize the proctor code message

Customize Proctor Code Message

This setting is only available when the quiz's Proctoring setting is set to Proctor Code.

If checked, you can customize the message displayed to learners when the proctor code must be entered. 

The default message is:

Please call your proctor over and have them enter the proctoring code.

If you don't know who your proctor is, please contact your administrator.

Proctoring Service

This setting is only available when the quiz's Proctoring setting is set to Proctor Service.

Select the proctoring service you want to use for the quiz.

Customize Proctor Processing Message

This setting is only available when the quiz's Proctoring setting is set to Proctor Service

If checked, you can customize the message displayed to learners when learners complete a quiz that uses a video proctoring service.

The default message is:

Thank you for completing your quiz. This quiz is using a proctoring service and is verifying your proctor status.
Please wait until the proctoring service has finished processing your session. You can exit and return to this page later to check if processing is complete.

Use Availability Window

If checked, you may specify when the quiz can be taken; you will need to specify the start and end date for when learners can access the quiz.

If a learner attempts to access the quiz during a time outside the specified availability window, the Out of Window message displays. If the learner fails to complete the quiz before the availability end date, the Out of Time message displays. 

If a Time Limit is also specified for the quiz, the time remaining displayed to the learner is the timer that expires first.

Availability Start

This setting is only available when the Use Availability Window setting is checked. Specify the date that learners may begin to access the quiz.

Availability End

This setting is only available when the Use Availability Window setting is checked. Specify the last date that learners can access the quiz. 

Customize Availability Window Messages

This setting is only available when the Use Availability Window setting is checked. If checked, you can customize the Out of Window and Out of Time messages.

The default Out of Window message is:

This quiz has an availability window and cannot be accessed outside of that period.
Current Time: [CurrentTime]
Availability Window: [StartDate] - [EndDate]

The default Out of Time message is:

The availability window ([StartDate] - [EndDate]) for this quiz has ended and it will now be submitted.

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