Quiz: Completion Preferences
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Quiz: Completion Preferences

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Article summary

A quiz's completion settings are located in the Completion Preferences accordion of the Quiz workscreen.

Completion Preferences

If you don't see the settings for the task, be sure the  button at the top of the workscreen is enabled. Depending on your screen size, the settings will display either on the right or at the bottom of the workscreen.


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.

Maximum Attempts Per Quiz

The maximum number of times a learner may take the quiz to receive a passing percentage.

Unlimited Attempts

If checked, learners can take the quiz an unlimited number of times to receive a passing percentage.

Percent to Pass

The percentage of the question value total that learners must earn to pass the quiz. 

Include Quiz Grade in Final Course Grade Calculation

If checked, the quiz grade is included in the calculation of the course grade.

Pass Message

The message displayed when the learner passes the quiz. You may format the message text using the toolbar displayed above the box.

Failure Message

The message displayed when the learner fails the quiz. You may format the message text using the toolbar displayed above the box.

Maximum Failure Message

The message displayed when the learner reaches the maximum number of attempts to take the quiz. You may format the message text using the toolbar displayed above the box.

Results to Display on Quiz Index and Review Pages

Select what you would like displayed to the learner on the Quiz Index and Review pages.

  • No Details - No information is displayed.

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  • Incorrect Questions Only - Questions the learner answered incorrectly will be displayed.

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  • Correct Questions Only - Questions the learner answered correctly will be displayed.

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  • All - All questions (i.e., questions the learner answer correctly and questions the learner answered incorrectly) are displayed.

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If you plan to provide learners feedback to long answer quiz questions, you should select All.

Show Learner Results On

This setting is only available when the Results to Display on Quiz Index and Review Pages setting is set to something other than No Details

If you want to show the learner whether they passed or failed after each quiz attempt, you'll also need to set the Display Grade to Learner setting to either Pass/Fail or Percentage.

Select when the learners are able to view the questions they answered correctly and incorrectly.

  • Pass Only - Learners will only be able to view the quiz questions when they pass the quiz. 
  • Pass or Fail - Learners will be able to view the quiz questions after each attempt regardless of whether they pass or fail the quiz. 
  • Pass or Max Fail - Learners will be able to view the quiz questions only when they pass the quiz, or when they have reached the maximum number of attempts to pass the quiz.
If you've checked the quiz's Unlimited Attempts setting, only the Pass Only or the Pass or Fail options are available. The Pass or Max Fail option is not available since there is no limit to the number of times a user can attempt to pass the quiz.

Display Answers on the Quiz Index and Review Pages

If checked, all answer options are displayed on the quiz index and review pages.

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If the setting is checked, you can also specify whether the correct answer displays in green for questions the learner answered incorrectly using the Show Correct Answer for Incorrectly Answered Questions setting.

If unchecked, only the question displays on the quiz index and review pages. The answer options are not displayed. 

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Show Correct Answer for Incorrectly Answered Questions

This setting is only available when the Display Answers on the Quiz Index and Review Pages setting is checked and is only applicable to multiple choice quiz questions

If checked, the correct answer displays in green for questions that the learner answered incorrectly. 

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If unchecked, no indication is provided as to what which option is the correct answer.

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Minimum Permission Level Required to View Quiz Results Report

Select the minimum permission a user must have to view a learner's detailed quiz results from the Enrollment Report

Users with a permission level lower than the selected permission level will only be able to view whether the learner passed or failed, but not the actual questions, or the answers selected by the learner. 

For this setting the Administrator/Global Reporting option is the highest permission level, while the Supervisor/Course Manager option is the lowest. 

To allow supervisors to view a learner's detailed quiz results, the account's Supervisor Access setting must also be set to Report on Supervisees. In order for course managers to view the learner's detailed quiz results, the account's Course Manager Access setting must be set to Report on Enrollments.  

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