Scheduled Report: Main
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Scheduled Report: Main

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Article summary

These scheduled report settings are locating in the Main accordion of the Add/Edit Scheduled Report workscreen.


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.


The type of report you would like to schedule (i.e., Enrollments or Learning Plans).


Select the status of the scheduled report:

  • Active - the report will run at the specified frequency. 
  • Inactive - the report will not run at the specified frequency. 

Report Profile

The Report Profile list displays the account, group, and private reports that you have access to. Select the report you would like to schedule from the list. If you've just run the report, the Report Profile is set to the report's name.


Enter a name for the scheduled report.

File Type

Select the report's file type:

  • CSV - Comma-delimited file
  • XLS - Excel spreadsheet

Always Send Email

If checked, the Queued Exports Notification email is sent to the specified recipients (i.e., email addresses in the To, CC, or BCC fields) even if the report has no results. 

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