Scheduled Report: Scheduling
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Scheduled Report: Scheduling

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Article summary

These scheduled report settings are located in the Scheduling accordion of the Add/Edit Scheduled Report workscreen.


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.


Select the frequency you want to run the report.

  • Daily - Runs the report every day.
  • Weekly - Runs the report on the specified days at the specified time. Select one or more days to run the report. 
  • Semi-Monthly - Runs the report on the 15th and 30th of the month except in February when the report will run on the 15th and the last day of the month.
  • Monthly - Enables you to run the report on the first day of the month, the last day of the month, and/or on a specific day of the month.


Click the Time field to specify the time you would like the report to begin processing.

The specified time is not necessarily when the recipients will receive the report.

Start Date

Select the date you would like the report to begin processing. If no start date is specified, the report will begin processing immediately based on the report's other settings. 

End Date

Select the date you would like the report to end processing. If no end date is specified, the report will begin processing when specified and run indefinitely. 

When the report's end date has passed, the scheduled report's status will be Expired.

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