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Article summary

How do I locate my API keys? 

After contacting our Success Desk to enable the API, you can locate your account and user API keys by doing the following. 

To locate your account API key:

  1. View your account's settings.
  2. Expand the API Setup accordion.

To locate your user API key:

  1. Go to the Users Dashboard.
  2. View your user information. The user API key is shown in the Login Information accordion.

The user API key only displays if the Enable API setting is enabled for the user.

What does a 9999 error mean?

If your API response XML package returns a 9999 error, please contact our Success Desk.

What does an "is not valid" error mean?

An error message that includes "is not valid" indicates that the value you provided for a tag is not acceptable. For example:

  • If the error refers to a date (e.g., The completed date from provided is not valid.), be sure that the date is valid and in the correct format. 
  • If the error refers to an email address, be sure that the email is formatted correctly. If you're attempting to specify an existing user (e.g., assigning a user's supervisor), be sure that the email address belongs to an existing user.
  • If the error refers to a home group, be sure that the group exists in the account.
  • Some tags only accept specific values. For example, the createRole method's Status tag only accepts Active or Inactive. Be sure that the value you've provided for the tag is one of the accepted values. 

What does a “provided is too long” error mean?

An error message that includes "provided is too long" indicates that the value you provided for a tag exceeds the maximum allowed length. 

What does a “required permissions are not met” error mean? 

An error message that includes "required permissions are not met" indicates that the user specified in the UserAPI tag lacks the permissions needed to perform the function. For example, this error might occur if a user attempts to use the createUser API method, but is not an administrator or owner, and does not have the Group Manager or Manage User group permission.

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